Monday, May 04, 2015

Anti-Muslim blogger Pamela Geller holds a "Draw Mohammad" contest and surprise, surprise, there's a shooting. Update!

Courtesy of The Guardian: 

Two gunmen have been killed and a security guard injured during what appears to be an attack on a contest for cartoon depictions of the prophet Muhammad in a Dallas suburb. 

The gunmen drove up to the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland shortly before 7pm on Sunday where the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) were hosting the exhibition and contest. 

According to city authorities an unarmed guard at the event was shot at before the men were engaged and killed by police. 

Authorities immediately locked down the center, evacuating the 200 participants at the event and sealing off large areas including a nearby shopping mall. 

A bomb squad was called in after reports of a possible incendiary device at the scene of the incident. Police said a “bomb container trailer” had also been deployed in which to place any suspect device. 

A police spokesman said two males had been killed and their bodies were still lying outside their car hours later.

There is still an ongoing investigation and I am sure more information will be available later. 

However what we do know is that this incident could not have worked out better for event organizer Pamela Geller.

This from Raw Story: 

“The idea we are going to bridge our freedom, our most basic inalienable right, in order to not offend savages is egregious,” Geller said. “It is outrageous. This is a war and the war is here.” 

“There’s an enemy among us,” she said. “They need to crush our freedoms, our emotions — basic freedoms. They handled this situation brilliantly.” 

Geller said about 300 attendees sang the “Star-Spangled Banner” and “God Bless America” as they were evacuated to a safe room after a suspicious backpack was found. 

“They understand the fight,” she said. “We need to stand up for freedom of speech. The idea that a cartoon, a funny cartoon – by the way, we had held the contest – the Muhammad contest. It was won by a former Muslim, that that cartoon would compel devout followers to slaughter is outrageous. It is unspeakable. It is monstrous.” 

Geller disagreed that she or her organization are controversial. “A free speech conference is not controversial,” she said. 

“Shooting people is controversial. There is a moral inversion. There’s a problem here. The American people need to stand up for the basic founding principle. The principle — it’s offensive speech, it’s the First Amendment. It’s not the Eighth or Tenth, it’s the First Amendment. Who will decide who is good or what is forbidden? The Islamic State? Muslim groups?”

Actually Geller and her group are incredibly controversial, and it could be argued that they purposefully antagonize the Muslim community in the hopes of having incidents like this occur.

Courtesy of the New York Daily News: 

She calls herself an advocate for those who have been victimized by religious extremists, but critics say that Pamela Geller and her controversial anti-Islamic groups are as hateful and extreme as those she seeks to condemn. 

And this courtesy of SPLC:

Pamela Geller is the anti-Muslim movement's most visible and flamboyant figurehead. She's relentlessly shrill and coarse in her broad-brush denunciations of Islam and makes preposterous claims, such as that President Obama is the "love child" of Malcolm X. She makes no pretense of being learned in Islamic studies, leaving the argumentative heavy lifting to her Stop Islamization of America partner Robert Spencer. Geller has mingled comfortably with European racists and fascists, spoken favorably of South African racists, defended Serbian war criminal Radovan Karadzic and denied the existence of Serbian concentration camps. She has taken a strong pro-Israel stance to the point of being sharply critical of Jewish liberals.

Though many have now forgotten Geller and her shadowy groups were also behind the creation of the poorly made film "Innocence of Muslims" that was either the cause, or the excuse, for the killings at Benghazi which the conservatives have been trying to blame on President Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Yeah Geller is certainly a nasty piece of work.

However that is no excuse for what happened here.

Killing people for disrespecting your religion, or for daring to draw a caricature of your prophet, does nothing but demonstrate an underlying insecurity ingrained within your belief system and a defensiveness that only serves to make your entire religion seem crazy.

And yes, I know all too well that hundreds of years ago Christianity was even more aggressive toward its detractors and that the rivers ran red with the blood of atheists, intellectuals, and those embracing other religions.

Update: You knew it was coming, Rush Limbaugh blames the  shooting on President Obama.


  1. LisaB259512:11 PM

    Garland is actually my hometown.

    This whole event was held simply hoping and praying a weirdo would show up. Surprise, surprise, you leave food lying around, roaches will find you.

    This had about as much to do with "free speech" as "Bong hits for Jesus." It was manufactured for the purpose of getting attention.

    1. Anonymous12:34 PM

      Bong hits for Jesus.....made my day.:)

    2. Anonymous12:34 PM

      I live in Garland--population 234,000+. Only 200 tickets were sold---and they said most of those were to people out of state. Breitbart touted it as a "sold out" event. That place holds thousands.

      Geller did it to provoke, I think. The majority of us in Garland never wanted this here & strongly urged against---not out of fear of violence but because of common decency. We have a very diverse, accepting population.


    3. Anonymous1:20 PM

      She probably staged the shootings as a publicity stunt....

      These folks are complete publicity hounds, don't underestimate them...

    4. Anonymous1:32 PM

      Pamela Geller has the same operational techniques as Meyer and Sarah Palin.

      Pamela Geller pals around with the same pals as Sarah Palin.

    5. Sharon2:09 PM

      I was shocked to see this was in Garland...I too lived there for 2 years in the 70's, I never met anyone but friendly, family loving neighbors. I rented a little house and was welcomed even though I was single in my 20's, what I came to know as regular Texan hospitality. A lot can happen in 40 very sad.

    6. Anonymous2:09 PM

      She should be arrested for Murder just like Palin should of been arrested for AZ Massacre like Charlie Manson was arrested for murder All guilty as sin.

    7. Anonymous2:14 PM

      Security shot the guys from Arizona who were the threat.

      No one was murdered. Unless there is far more to this than is now known.

    8. Anonymous3:05 PM

      The men who were going to do terror at Geller's antagonistic staged show that was falsely promoted by Brietbart (who would never be part of something staged for a reaction-NOT) were on terrorist/FBI list for years.



      Geller was very up on security protection. She and her security guys would know what is up with FBI lists. They would be in communication with FBI for security reasons for the Garland evert. they would be specifically warned about the bad guys killed in Garland. Geller groups and other groups in Arizona are not secrets. They are monitored.

      Did the FBI tell Geller security this was a good idea to put on this show in Texas?

      Did they want to avoid more of her events in Arizona?

    9. Anonymous3:21 PM

      @2:09 Though it doesn't seem so right now, Garland is the same friendly town. If Geller hadn't organized this, it would never have happened. People here are made that they ever let this contest happen. Garland has a large Muslim American community here & we've always been respectful of them.

      Free speech aside--- that contest was as vile and hateful as Geller and she really hurt our community. Too bad they can't arrest her.

      I did see one policeman who said " We aren't providing protection for her. Don't know where she is." I can guess. Hopped on a plane to NY and left her destruction behind.


    10. Anonymous3:34 PM

      12:34 PM

      I saw a photo of inside with the people who attended the Geller 'drawing ' thing. It was taken while they were locked inside after the men were shot. Police did not know if car bomb or what else and they were keeping people safe and they were not allowed to leave.

      It looked closet to 20 people, not close to 200. The law would have all the people that were victims of this deal. They would know the actual count.

      It did not look like 200 people. It looked like a large stadium like place that would hold 2000 or many more.

      Breitbart was lying.

    11. Anonymous9:46 PM

      Pamela Geller and Orly Taitz, evil twins separated at birth?


  2. Anonymous12:14 PM

    In my fantasy world, the family of the slain guard would bring charges against Geller as accessory to murder. What the gunmen did was wrong, but she was probably hoping to provoke some sort of confrontation or incident without regard for anyone else's safety.

    1. Anonymous1:02 PM

      You are in a fantasy world... as there was no slain guard. Do IM readers even bother with the minimal of facts anymore?

      Two worthless muslim attackers were killed, good riddance. No tears lost over that.

    2. Anonymous1:38 PM

      The guard was released from hosp that night, I think. There is not a law suit with this so far.

      Geller is absolutely aware of the contoversy and havoc an event like this is ripe for. She knows the security and safety concerns. I don't know who she hired to protect the few people that were there but the guy didn't make it inside. He was shot dead outside.

      One of these days there will be a class action suit or something that will come up.

    3. Anonymous2:01 PM

      12:14 the armed guard was not slain, the attackers were killed. Out of curiosity though, do you understand the concept of the job of an armed guard?

      What, they are going to sue for doing the job they signed up for? Frankly, it sounds like the event was fairly well prepared security-wise for just such a threat, and it paid off.

    4. Anonymous2:10 PM

      And one more clarification--not only was he not slain, but he was not armed.

    5. Anonymous2:11 PM

      Anonymous1:02 PM

      You are in a fantasy world..
      YOU ASSHOLE are in a FANTASY world of WHITE privilege! FUCK OFF! U are the "worthless one" the world can do without.

    6. Anonymous2:27 PM

      White privilege my ass 2:11. We didn't built this country and instill inherent freedoms just to have to bow down to the threats of third world Muslim extremist goat-fuckers.

    7. Anonymous2:56 PM


      Like slavery. Like no vote for women? Those inherent freedoms? Who built this country ... you? Who is 'we'?

    8. Anonymous3:06 PM

      102 Your ignorance is showing...kinda like your barstool Barbie bimbo baby...

    9. Anonymous3:12 PM

      In case you hadn't heard, slavery was abolished and women vote 2:56, all progress in the right direction. You want to slip backwards to the non-rights for women and the religious laws and discrimination imposed by Muslim run countries? 'We' would be the white men that built the foundation of freedom in this country for all, perfect or not.

    10. Anonymous3:12 PM

      I think "we" at 2:27 and elsewhere on this thread is just an angry white guy who came here to stir up hate.

    11. Anonymous3:38 PM

      Oh let's see: Class Action lawsuit... Kidnapping...assault...murder...slavery... Back date to the First African to hit USA soil...ohhhh...human rights violations...then there is DAMAGES... Then...oh its gonna BREAK the US! Hmmm...think about THAT court date!

    12. Anonymous3:46 PM

      Uhhhh oookaaaay 3:38.

      Tell you what, you waste your time thinking about your dumb ideas, I'll pass. Lol.

    13. Anonymous3:55 PM

      3:38. You are a moron.

      It isn't worth trying to provide any rational comment to your stupidity.

    14. Anonymous4:30 PM

      We didn't built this @ 2:27 PM

      "I'm build for this shit" marina_exotix_llc

    15. Anonymous11:02 PM

      338 well the NAACP would take that on...that would shut those white boys

    16. Anonymous2:54 PM

      11:02 and 3:38.... So filed under ludicrous and will never/ can never happen lawsuits, maybe all the 'white boys' should sue the 'black boys' for the disproportionate percentage of murders, rapes, violent and criminal activity committed by blacks on whites? Sounds about right... that should shut up all those 'black boys' eh?

  3. Anonymous12:14 PM

    I noticed that La Puta de Abstinence, Bristol, was apparently too busy riding Dakota to make an appearance at the Kentucky Derby.

    1. Anonymous12:47 PM

      They don't have to bother with reality, traditions, being good representatives of Kentucky or anything since the entire spew about wanting to run for office in Kentucky is a ploy for money and has nothing to do with politics.

      Except how to use the old Palin tease about running.

      It's a money maker.

  4. Anonymous12:27 PM

    There is no justification for the shooting of course but Geller is an insane hate mongering extremist who incites the extreme. She wanted this.

    1. Anonymous3:09 PM

      Just like the KKK klan of Alaska Idaho Washington Oregon...

    2. Anonymous3:39 PM

      Po po onto it like cat on a mouse...yeah!

    3. Anonymous11:02 PM

      About damn time.

  5. Anonymous12:28 PM

    She is just another hateful, shit stirring Sarah Palin. They even look similar. She does things specifically to provoke so she can then claim the 'high ground' when she is in fact the one that thrives in a gutter. She has a hard on for Islamophobia, she hangs with the sickest of the sick when it comes to providing fertile ground for hateful and destructive events that are designed to disrespect Islam. She is scum, through and through and for her to bastardize and conflate 'free speech' with this hateful, disrespectful and completely UNNECESSARY event is criminal. She can rot in hell as far as I'm concerned.

    1. Anonymous2:16 PM

      "They even look similar", as in old hags rode hard and put up wet wearing clothes stolen from their tween daughters' closet?

    2. Anonymous3:23 PM

      And Palin's buddy, Steve Bannon, loves for Breitbart to cover her.

    3. Anonymous3:37 PM

      What has Steve Bannon done for Palis recently? She continues to be defeated every day.

  6. Boscoe12:31 PM

    I think we need to have a "Draw Pam Gellar Eating A Bag Of Salted Rat Dicks" contest and see how First Amenmenty she really is...

    1. Anonymous3:12 PM

      We could drop them in Syria...oops wrong

    2. Anonymous11:04 PM

      Or in North Korea!

  7. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Lets have a "draw god party", Winner gets a "there is only Allah t-shirt". Geller = Palin, running on empty.

  8. When do we get to hold the "Pin the Jesus on the Cross" rally? Blindfold a participant, give them a plastic jesus and a few spins, and let them try to stick it to a cross. Fun for the whole family!

  9. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Big surprise. Geller is big fan of Mrs. Palin.

    1. Anonymous3:13 PM

      Well not ha!

    2. Anonymous3:21 PM

      Can't help but wonder. Is this Pam Geller?

  10. Anonymous12:44 PM

    She is a real piece of work.


    Frisky Pam

    Drama Queen

    She can read.

    1. Anonymous2:01 PM

      No doubt Pamela Geller participates in many Arizona 'patriot' events and she knows the ropes. As she knows the radicals there are also aware of her and would go where she is stirring things up.


      There's just too much here



      The Arizona following

  11. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Muslims React To Garland Shooting With Strong Condemnation Of Violence

    ...Muslims are encouraged not to draw images of the Prophet. While the Quran doesn't explicitly prohibit images of Muhammed, the issue is mentioned in the hadith, a secondary holy text. The ban is informed by the belief that the Prophet Muhammad was a man, and not a God. The fear is that people will become too deeply attached to the image, and a result, begin praying to it.

    Despite the prohibition, Muslim leaders in America have long stated that they're supportive of the right to free speech -- even if it is offensive towards Islam.

    Alia Salem, the director of the Dallas/Forth Worth chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a Muslim civil rights organization, said that hosting the Draw Muhammad contest was Pamela Geller's right.

    "We should have free speech, and nobody’s stopping her from doing this, go ahead, maybe there’ll be some Muslims entering this, who knows," Salem told CBS.

    As the investigation continues in Garland, American Muslims were very clear in their strong condemnation of the attacks. CAIR spoke out against the shooting on Monday.

    "We condemn yesterday's attack on an anti-Islam event in Garland, Texas, without reservation," the organization declared in a statement. "We also reiterate our view that violence in response to anti-Islam programs like the one in Garland is more insulting to our faith than any cartoon, however defamatory. Bigoted speech can never be an excuse for violence."

    Omid Safi, director of Duke University's Islamic Studies Center, believes there is a "higher path" and urged "love for all, hatred for none."

    "Yes, we can stand up for justice, simultaneously condemning the violence of the shooters (whatever their background) and condemning the hatred of xenophobic groups who mock marginalized communities," Safi wrote on Facebook. "Let us seek a peace rooted in justice for all."

    Other Muslim voices chimed in on social media.

    1. Anonymous3:15 PM

      Well...deep subject...isn't their Jesus that is from Jerusalem...a Middle East cat? Not a white boy...

    2. Anonymous3:40 PM

      Oh snap! Yea and he was born in the summer I thought not Fri Jun December!

  12. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Stupid people trying to antagonize crazy people never works out well. This is idiocy. I believe in free speech, but this was something Gellar wanted to happen. She won't be so happy with the results if they shoot her next time.

    1. Anonymous1:43 PM

      Geller and Palin would both set up some poor sucker to yell "fire" in a crowded theater if they think it helps their popularity and relevance.

  13. angela12:57 PM

    Geller is an infamous lunatic. I expect hateful crap from her. Crazies of course draw other crazy people---thus, the shooters.

    1. Anonymous4:03 PM

      Actually they are from a long establish battle and battleground in Arizona where Geller has prominance in her group. Yes, they are crazies but more to it than just a run of the mill crazy. Very politically motivated.

      Geller group has been in battle with the other group for years.

  14. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Sarah is pissed off at Pam for stealing money from her.

    Pam is grifting dollars from the same fools that donate to SarahPAC.

    1. Anonymous3:16 PM

      Eww cat fight!

    2. Anonymous3:23 PM

      Whe is the last time that Breitbart published something for or about Sarah Palin?

      Is Pam Geller their new darling?

      Did Breitbart replace Sarah?

  15. Anonymous1:23 PM

    These people are trying to ruin the country with their hatred.

    This Geller bitch would put people in harm's way just to push her agenda, which is to provoke, cajole and DARE Jihad sympathizers to come out of the woodwork and retaliate.

    She couldn't care less of Freedom of Speech. Her goal is to dare them and hope they come out and kill innocent civilians so she can PROVE her point.

    She, defender of Israel, is acting just like the radical Palestinians who provoked Israel when they sent Katyusha rockets, from rocket launchers placed on apartment building roofs, hoping Israel would strike back and inadvertently kill families with kids. Then when children would be wounded or killed, these same radicals would pose in front of cameras, demanding revenge on Israel.

    Geller is acting similarly in that she provokes radicals into attacking and hoping she can get them to kill enough innocent people, so she can yell "revenge" on Muslims. She's a hypocrite of biblical proportions.

  16. Anonymous1:23 PM

    The Texas open carry types want LOTS more armed people. You'd think Texas could produce a few more than just 2 gunmen for a lunatic magnet event like this. Geller should try Florida.

    1. Anonymous3:12 PM

      Both most of the 200ish Geller participants and the radicals that were shot so they would not shoot up the 200 that are mostly from out of state.

      They used Garland Texas.

      Possibly to avoid a place Geller has such close ties and standing with like Phoenix and Arizona. Texas is a place of crazy crazies now and where better to have a shoot out?

      So Geller takes her gameshow on the road and goes to Texas.

    2. Anonymous3:16 PM

      You mean open insane asylum...

    3. Anonymous3:43 PM

      It will be interesting to learn where the 200 are from. Are they mostly from Arizona?

    4. Anonymous4:06 PM

      It would be intentional provacation for Geller to get an audience from out of state to go to Texas to aggravate specific terrorists.

  17. Anonymous1:26 PM

    The Dutch guy, Geert Something-or-other, should be on an anti-terrorist watch list. He is as virulently anti-Muslim as the worst extremist Muslims are anti-Jewish or anti-everyone else. And now there's this Geller woman to join him. She is a genuine piece of work; must be a favorite of Sarah Palin.

    Just holding this event was deliberately provocative and the crazy organizers assumed (rightly so, unfortunately) that they would draw gunfire. They were inviting it, in fact.

    Freedom of expression carries with it the heavy burden to be responsible in its use. I think that the venue owners are partly responsible for this appalling event. What's next for Garland Texas: an event where people will be invited to draw anti-Hispanic cartoons? anti-Jewish cartoons? anti-African American cartoons? At what point does freedom of expression morph into hate speech? These are serious questions that the people who allowed this event to take place should be pondering.

    1. Anonymous2:05 PM

      Beaglemom, I really enjoy reading the intelligent and thoughtful posts that you always contribute here. You're the best! :-)

    2. Anonymous2:45 PM

      You want to bow down and give up freedom of expression and speech under fears of Muslim extremism, then move to Saudi Arabia or Somalia or the like. These types of events should expand and continue, make this country as uninviting and hostile towards these pieces of shit Muslim extremists as possible.

    3. Anonymous3:10 PM

      Anon 2:45--The only people trying to take my freedoms away in this country are Republicans.

    4. Anonymous3:22 PM

      245 it's called lithium for your way of thinking...look...humanity is evolving at a fast clip...ask Gryphen...and we are viewing God as Vanilla Ice Cream...and religions are flavors of it...some fruity...some nutty...some with a rocky road...take your pick...but Do Not expect me to like your flavor...i will do the same...we will get along pull your panties up and get with the one cares anymore...everyone respects matter who you are...where your long as you CONTRIBUTE to humanity....we got enough bottom feeders...Thanks...

    5. Anonymous3:25 PM

      3:22 it would appear you need the lithium.

      Uncontrollable word spew much?

    6. Anonymous3:45 PM

      325 I don't know it makes more sense to get cream analogy is funny! So its a different way to look at it! whine with that cheese? Gees get a grip

    7. Anonymous3:53 PM

      Good analogy! Ignore the critic's...they are on every corner! Kinda like...

    8. Anonymous4:49 PM

      The Dutch Geert was moderating this art contest in Texas for the out of town audience?

      This is not making sense.

    9. Anonymous11:07 PM

      353 gunny chit! Yea and I see when someone has a different take of life, people really freak out! Yikes! Take a chill pill people.

    10. Anonymous11:08 PM

      Oops. Funny chit! Hey its late!

  18. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Pam looks like she has same plastic surgeon that Sarah and Barstool uses.

    1. Anonymous2:02 PM

      She not doubt has the Arizona connection, also, too.

    2. Anonymous3:46 PM

      Yes, they are a tight little circle of friends supprting identical political ideas and scallywags.

  19. Anonymous1:34 PM

    This event was getting no attention, except from deadbart, who was live streaming it. Lol. So I'm sure Geller is thrilled that the shooting happened. Now she gets her hideous mug all over the news. I have no doubt they were hoping for violence. Freaks.

    1. Anonymous4:10 PM

      They did not have to hope much since it looks like they would know it was a sure deal to stir up violence.

      Did they think Texans would buy into this and go to the place with lot's of concealed weapons/

      Why did they pick Texas to mess with?

      Is Texas going to tolerate this? I know it has plenty of nuts and they would like Geller techniques. But not the whole state.

    2. Anonymous6:16 PM

      Geller underestimated the Garland police. They don't play. They were taking precautions months ago in relation to her event.

      It's hard to imagine all the people who could have been killed if not for the tight security. Not just attendees but police, swat, etc.

      I think Geller wanted attention, was provoking and probably didn't realize Garland wasn't some Podunk place with Podunk police. They run a tight ship--and now I'm glad.

      Other Texas towns might tolerate it, but not Garland ever again, I don't believe. People are mad about the sabotage of our community.

    3. Anonymous11:43 PM

      It is something Republicans would do in a 3rd world country where is would be easy to get by with. Geller must have assumed all of Texas are the wackos.

  20. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Is she a burn victim? If not, she needs to find a new plastic surgeon. Her face is really lumpy.

    1. Anonymous3:25 PM

      Lumpy like Sarah and Bristol?

      Any chance they all go to the same doctors and spas for treatments?

      Both have strong connections to Arizona.

    2. Anonymous3:47 PM

      Do you think they know Julie Vickerman? She has her LLC like Marina, except Vickerman is connected to spas in Arizona.

    3. Anonymous11:09 PM

      Audits seem in order for sure! Track the money, no pun intended

  21. Anonymous1:51 PM

    La puta Geller is probably upset that only two people were killed.

    1. Anonymous2:04 PM

      Who died?

    2. Anonymous7:57 PM

      2:04 PM The 2 attackers.

  22. Anonymous2:00 PM

    The emir of the United States and member of ISIS,
    Barack Hussein Obama, is the only one who could have stopped this.

    1. Anonymous2:21 PM

      If you're not being sarcastic Gryphen should ban your racist ass from commenting here.

    2. Anonymous2:38 PM

      Stupid is what stupid says.

    3. Anonymous2:44 PM

      2:00pm you are a sad, pathetic racist and miserable loser.

    4. Anonymous3:23 PM

      Your confused...its McCain...but its ok!

    5. Anonymous3:46 PM

      Yeah John boy! Stop shipping arms to Isis! Or do you need to tag along again?

    6. Anonymous7:56 PM

      2:00 PM Your need for attention is showing again.

    7. Anonymous11:10 PM

      346 laugh, ain't that the truth!

  23. Anonymous2:12 PM

    She's a domestic terrorist and should be stripped of her citizenship. Send her hateful ass to Rwanda or The Sudan, see how the big-mouthed hatemonger fares there.

    1. Anonymous3:24 PM

      That's what I am talking

  24. Pam Geller is the worst kind of hate mongering racist.

    She would kick, prod, beat and torture a dog until it turned and snapped at her, then demand it be put down as a vicious dog.

    There is no difference between her and Kristen Lindsey except that Geller gets others to do her killing for her.

    She is very lucky she lives in a democracy in which her "free" *hate* "speech" is protected by law.

    Personally, I'd like to ship her off to Israel. Let her live there and really experience hate day to day.

    I wonder how Geller would feel about a "Jesus Fucking" art contest in which artists were invited to submit full porn of Jesus fucking various people or even animals. Would that sit well with her "free speech" mantra? Hey, throw in Jefferson and Sally Hemmings for a bonus award. Hey! Free Speech! Artistic expression!

    Where shall we hold it? Utah or South Carolina? Maybe Mississippi or Alabama?

    1. Love the Jesus Fucking art contest and would add a Jesus-Mary S&M category. Just as a thought experiment, mind you . . . .

    2. Anonymous3:25 PM

      Yeah and make it a threesome...Jesus Mary and Joseph...right Sarah?

    3. Anonymous3:28 PM

      Geller is BiBi Jewish. Not all Jewish people are against depicting Jesus in the worst ways.

    4. Anonymous4:40 PM

      Geller wouldn't (publicly) like it because she knows her audience and which side her bread is buttered on.

    5. Anonymous4:53 PM

      Bibi calls people like Sarah Palin useful idiots. Geller would be like Bibi. Use the idiots and play nice for them. What you think of their idiocy would never be said in public.

  25. Anonymous3:01 PM

    She is Orly Taitz crazy pumped up on a wider band of hatred.

  26. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Kind of after the fact---But now Garland ISD is going to "reevaluate" who they rent the facility to. Should have done that to begin with.

    The Curtis Culwell Center holds thousands--and this lunatic Geller rented it for a crowd of 200.

    1. Anonymous3:51 PM

      The picture I saw the crowd look like maybe 20.

      Geller did have her own security. Didn't CCC talk with them and the federal agencies that would know all about these players on both sides.

      Didn't any agency warn CCC?

    2. Anonymous4:18 PM

      Why did she pick Texas?

    3. Anonymous5:37 PM

      uhhhm, because of the abundance of wingnuts?

    4. She chose that community because of the high number of Muslims that reside there. She was looking to incite but the local Imams told their congregations to ignore it and they did. Most even forgot about the event until they heard about the shootings.

  27. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Curtis Culwell Center

    On May 3, 2015, two men carried out an attack during an art exhibition featuring works depicting Muhammad. Both men were killed at the scene. One Garland ISD officer was wounded in the exchange of gunfire.

    Wikipedia is often used andabused, it has wrong info, which people can correct. But a lot of the info on places like the Curtis Culwell Center square footage is correct.

  28. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Pleased that the international news media is describing Geller's little public masturbation as an "anti-Muslim event". The US media is so happy to twist itself into perverted knots.

    1. Anonymous6:20 PM

      The BBC tore her apart..and I would too if I could get my hands on her.

  29. Anonymous4:39 PM

    She's hot! (a hot mess, that is)

  30. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Two gunmen were killed Sunday night in Garland after opening fire on an unarmed security officer outside a provocative contest for cartoon depictions of Prophet Muhammad, police say.
    A bomb squad was also called in to search the vehicle driven by the gunmen as a precaution, authorities said.

    It was not immediately clear whether the shooting was connected to the event inside, a contest hosted by the New York-based American Freedom Defense Initiative that would award $10,000 for the best cartoon depicting the Prophet Muhammad, Harn said.

    #BREAKING NEWS: FBI confirms both suspects in Dallas shooting were roommates @ #Phoenix, AZ apt complex.

    After the shooting, authorities escorted about 75 contest attendees...

    Where are the other 125 contest attendees?

    How is Sarah Palin's hockey stick contest working out for SarahPAC?

  31. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Reminds me of the pastor who burns muslim holy books because, you know, free speech. I wonder what would happen if, say, a pile of Bibles were burned because, you know, free speech. And may I be so brazen to ask WTF is a "Free Speech Rally" orchestrated in NYC and brought to Dallas? Can't Texans handle the logitstics of a "free speech event"?
    If the muslims were american citizens, do they not have the same free speech rights?

    What gets me is the FBI was watching one of the gun men and put him on the no fly list, There's more there than meets the eye (not excusing that pos Pam Geller nor the killers, but what, exactly did this provocation accomplish?

    1. Anonymous10:41 PM

      Legal elimination of two 'known' nonwhite terrorists 'on the list'?


    2. The bible regularly makes the challenge lists. Just check out NEA's Banned Books Week resource materials.

  32. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Wow! When you won't read what is in a book, then you cry about freedom, then you burn that book, you have taken away your own freedom, but I guess they don't understand that part about it! Busy crying!

  33. When and if this bitch understands the first amend. then we can talk. This type of nastiness believes she can go around provoking and inciting anger, hatred, idiotic-cray, mayhem and death because the "USA said she could say whatever she want" is a load of crock. Words also have actions, you dumbass freak.

    Are you happy now, pammy? Are you gonna do the silly, phony blood libel schtick too?

  34. Anonymous2:01 AM

    I'd love to ask Chris Kyle a few things about his military service and the people he killed.

    Oh wait, I can't since he's dead.

    What a bitch this thing called karma can be!

  35. Anonymous2:28 AM

    It says in the Bible they hide behind that we are to have no graven images...Christians should not be worshipping pictures of Jesus (you know, the white, blond blue-eyed Middle Eastern Jew) or carrying crosses. Let alone the statutes of Mary. Muslims have actually read that portion of the text and follow it. Geller knows just what pot she's stirring. She wanted violence, to blame Muslims for not respecting American 'values.' I'm sure the currently silent Sarah will stand up for Geller again. Hate sells.

    1. Anonymous4:43 AM

      Catholics, who are responsible for most of the artistic images, statues, etc. representing Christ, Mary and the saints through the ages, do not worship these images. They are a kind of reminder to help in prayer and contemplation. I'm not sure what the role of religious art is for 21st century "Christian" fundamentalists. All I know is that there has suddenly been a proliferation of crosses of all sorts adorning walls in homes and creches in churches of non-Catholic "Christians" in the US in recent years.

    2. Isn't that old testament?

      If I recall, Jesus came and supposedly nullified the old testament (so now we can eat shrimp and pork and wear cotton polyester).

      The bible grazers take bits and pieces that support their views and ignore the message as a whole. That is those that can actually read and are not getting all their information fourth hand from talk radio.

  36. Anonymous2:53 AM

    Texas shooting: FBI had monitored gunman Elton Simpson since 2006

  37. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Why is it many people on the Right get upset with the Westboro Baptist Church and give Pam Gellar a pass? They are the same, there is no difference in what they do. Just hateful sick individuals who we should all denounce.

    1. I doubt many on the right are upset with Westboro. They hate LGBT too. They just don't have the courage to be as blatant as Westboro.

      They love Geller because she is rabidly pro Israel.

  38. Anonymous6:22 AM

    "And yes, I know all too well that hundreds of years ago Christianity was even more aggressive toward its detractors and that the rivers ran red with the blood of atheists, intellectuals, and those embracing other religions."

    Wrong. Muhammed himself led over 40 military campaigns that ended in mass beheadings. Jesus did nothing comparable. Geller is an ass, but Islam is still a bag of crap every day of the week.

    1. One word.


      Here's another.


  39. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Your constitutional right to hate is protected, Pam. You are an asshole, and that you make money off being an asshole makes you lower than a snake's navel.

  40. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Chilling private Twitter messages sent by jihadi Texas shooter show his intentions to join ISIS

    The terrorist group made the statement through its Al Bayan radio station

  41. This very impressive response to #Pamela's lies coming from a Brooklyn college student! !!
    watch 'Face on Face'


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