Monday, March 30, 2015

Well Ted Cruz has one demographic firmly on his side. Right Wing talk radio hosts.

Courtesy of Politico:  

Glenn Beck wants listeners to pray for him. Mark Levin says Fox News is out to get him. Hugh Hewitt calls him an “intellectual leader.” Rush Limbaugh thinks his campaign launch was “masterful.” Laura Ingraham hails him as “Reaganesque.” Erick Erickson considers him a “good friend.” 

Ted Cruz may be trailing in the polls and strapped for cash, but the first declared candidate of the 2016 race is winning in at least one key contest — the conservative talk-show primary.

Tens of millions of listeners — and potential GOP primary voters — tune in each week to the biggest right-wing radio hosts, who hold forth on the merits and demerits of the various 2016 Republican hopefuls as keenly as they spit invective about Barack Obama and the Democrats. Many of them are big fans of the Texas senator, if not outright supporters. Most are holding their cards close, refusing to hug any candidate too tightly, be it in the spirit of equanimity or out of fear of alienating some listeners. 

But nearly all the kings and queens of the conservative airwaves express admiration for a man almost universally despised by his Senate colleagues and dismissed by the mainstream media: Cruz. And they are equally clear about who they do not like: Mushy “progressives” like Jeb Bush and Chris Christie. 

let's face it these really are the people that have the ear of the Republican base right now. 

I predict that Cruz will do quite well in some of the primaries, Iowa for instance.

However when he stands on that stage with the rest of the 2016 contenders, debating champion or not, I think he will quickly demonstrate why can NEVER be trusted to get anywhere near the White House.

I also predict that Cruz will not go down quietly and that he will do substantial damage to the other presidential wannabes before his campaign finally gasps its last.


  1. Anonymous4:43 AM

    "I also predict that Cruz will not go down quietly and that he will do substantial damage to the other presidential wannabes before his campaign finally gasps its last."

    From everything I've seen about him, he has absolutely no loyalty to anything or anyone but himself.

    After the debacle of the government shutdown, it was clear that he does not listen to The Powers That Be in the GOP, and will do whatever he wants to do to promote himself and his radical ideas.

    He will no doubt play very dirty politics with his fellow Republicans and, ultimately, provide great assistance to the Democratic candidate.

    1. Anonymous6:06 AM

      I agree. He's a cocky bastard who thinks he's smarter than everything and destined to be president or king or something. I don't even think he'd settle for vice president, so expect him to go after the other candidates full throttle.

  2. Anonymous4:51 AM

    During one of my frequent episodes of insomnia, I was channel-surfing, trying to find something boring I could sleep thru. Being Sunday night, I stumbled across an oldtime, fire & brimstone preacher. Instantly thought of Eduardo. Do you know they actually teach them how to match inflection with specific arm movements at preacher school?

  3. Anonymous4:53 AM

    Don't worry Gryphen, Iowans may love Ted Cruz, but NH will eviscerate him, just like we did Rick Santorum. And if you don't come in 1st or 2nd in NH, forget, you're done!

    Marie in NH

  4. Anonymous5:15 AM

    Don't worry, as soon as Mittens announces again, or McCan't they'll jump off his clown car and into another.

  5. Anonymous5:28 AM

    Sorry to be off topic ( oh hell I'm really not)

    Apparently Indiana will be losing a 40 MILLION dollar expansion in Indiana. One of their top execs is gay.
    bawaaah I'm sure they can get CFA to open another store, except there won't be enough working people to support it, but it may give GOP failed politicians a place to stop and beat up their wives.

    1. Anonymous6:00 AM

      Yikes, this loss of business is From Angie's List. Sorry, way too early for me.

  6. Randall5:39 AM

    The Republican Party (like right-wing talk radio) has become the All-Star Professional Wrestling of today's politics.

    Ted Cruz (like Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, et. al.) is a star because he has absolutely no shame. He would eat bugs and bite the heads off of chickens if he thought it wold advance his career.

    And the fans eat it up!
    Sometimes he's the good guy they love to love - YAY!
    Sometimes he's the bad guy they love to hate - BOO! YAY!
    Any real knowledge of the moves, the substance, the actual nuts-and-bolts of the realities are superfluous...

    They love it - the flying elbow drops, the arm-bar takedowns, the Greco-Roman-Knucklelocks...

    The more outrageous the move, the more the rabid fans love it
    ...and Raphael Cruz is the Masked Latino "El-Asso-Wipo" of the current crop of fake wrestlers.

    1. Anonymous7:02 AM

      Masked Latino "El-Asso-Wipo"

    2. Anonymous7:43 AM

      What a perfect analogy!

    3. Anonymous11:35 AM

      They are after and into entertainment only. And this is what the media has been fostering from Day One – and not just 'right-wing' media, either. The media is responsible for this circus, this present destruction of American democracy, and this current rise of fascism. Even when they pretend to do real news reporting (cough, cough), they have used 'us versus them' (what they call 'presenting both sides', no matter the absurdity of any given position) to draw listeners, dumb them down, and keep them glued to the set – in fear. There is an old saying, "a fearful audience is a loyal audience", and the broadcasters (not just Fox, though they are by far the worst) have been doing this for as long as I can remember.

      I think one of the most helpful things for America right now would be a complete boycott of television by America's viewers. No. more. TV. Period. Let them hawk their lies and hate to the bare walls with few or no sponsors, because that is what they deserve. Give away your TV set. You'll never miss it. We did this many years ago, and it was one of the greatest improvements we have ever made to the tranquillity of our home.

  7. I never, ever though the field could get nuttier than 2012. I was wrong, it ain't even close. There are even more fringe grifters tagging along for cash, unbelievable

    1. Anonymous6:08 AM

      Remember when the nuttiest candidate they had was Steve Forbes?

  8. Balzafiar5:48 AM

    "Reaganesque"? What the hell is that? Reagan was no statesman.

    More like Bela Lugosi-esque, looking to bite us all in the neck.

    1. Anonymous11:36 AM

      Yes, he's just as silly and creepy, but without the sexual appeal and gravitas!! ;-)

  9. I can just imagine if Cruz were to become President. Not only would the Democrats meet the night before the inauguration to discuss non-cooperation with Cruz, but the Republicans would probably join them as they dislike him equally!! LOL

  10. "However when he stands on that stage with the rest of the 2016 contenders, debating champion or not, "
    He would win the debate and lose the election. His arrogance, snottiness, and unlikability will be off the charts.

  11. Anonymous7:24 AM

    One word describes Ted Cruz - megalomania.

  12. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Cruz always looks like he's about to cry.

    1. Anonymous11:48 AM

      I read that he wears mascara (and probably pancake make-up). Maybe his eye make-up helps him feel teary. Ever notice his lashes???? Compare them to the eyelashes in his old college photos? Thank God for his lack of physical appeal. If he looked like 'the sexy felon', for example, we would REALLY have reason to fear.

      My greatest fear about him is much more realistic, and it should make you quake in your boots as well. I predict he will be the first person chosen by the next republican administration to put on the Supreme Court. His former Senate colleagues will confirm him (he clerked for Scalia right out of law school, and has argued successfully before the Supreme Court many times), he will sit there for the rest of his life and totally 'rewrite' the Constitution (by judicial interpretation) so that it is unrecognizable to us, and he will make Scalia, Alito, et al, look like a bunch of well-intended pikers by comparison. On that bench, and with their help, yes, he could very well usher in the new American theocracy/fascist state.

      Though he might well lose the general election, the 'base' would stop at nothing to garner this theocratic 'divine appointment' (in their eyes), and the rest of the GOP would be impotent to stop their push.

      The left has been joking about this man for far too long. Do not diminish him to a punch line (though he does make me laugh hysterically): he is a permanent fixture now, driven by an inner zeal rarely seen in politics (the correct word for this is demagoguery), and will not be relegated into oblivion anytime soon.

  13. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Gryphen, I already had a headache and that picture just made it worse. Good Lord! If he ever became president, I would be begging for the Canadian citizenship he just rejected.

  14. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Glenn Beck wants listeners to pray for him. Mark Levin says Fox News is out to get him. Hugh Hewitt calls him an “intellectual leader.” Rush Limbaugh thinks his campaign launch was “masterful.” Laura Ingraham hails him as “Reaganesque.” Erick Erickson considers him a “good friend.” Beldar J Conehead argues convincingly he's a "dangerous self-aggrandizing reactionary douchebag".

  15. Anonymous11:44 PM

    I just lost my appetite. how can people be so Dishonest?


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