Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Newly released behind the scenes video shows Sarah Palin pimping "Amazing America" to NRA News and demonstrating why she really needs good writers and a teleprompter to help her make any sense.

Okay talk about disjointed speech patterns.

Currently Palin supporters, and her daughter's ghostwriter, are touting her CPAC speech as an indication of the REAL Sarah Palin. However this behind the scenes interview proves just the opposite.

Palin is all over the place in this interview and seems to be having significant trouble completing one thought before she gets distracted by something else.

You know, like usual.

And Palin's ridiculous argument against the FCC's net neutrality move is almost too stupid to comment on.

By the way the "average citizen" rarely knows what's right when it comes to complicated problems. That's why we go to the experts.


  1. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Oh my god.

    Drunk lady. So drunk.

    1. Anonymous1:51 PM

      According to one of her handlers she was so nervous "they did not know if she could walk"...on? Huh?
      I agree. Drunk and on some speed.
      The speech horse tranquilizer had not yet kicked in or was fading.
      What an amoeba. That girl.

    2. Anonymous4:17 PM

      Baaaag. Baaaag. Jesus fucking Christ. How does she think she can be cute with that wretched voice and Jr. High dog whistles and lip gloss.

    3. Anonymous4:47 PM

      After listening to that, blackboards all across America are screaming in agony!!!

    4. Anonymous7:10 PM

      1:51 PM
      "According to one of her handlers she was so nervous "they did not know if she could walk"...on?"
      I don't doubt what you say, I'm only curious if that was publicly reported? Is there a link? Or do you have personal knowledge? I'm not asking for your name, just asking................

  2. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Gryphen, bring us more revelations so you can bring her down, drop the proverbial H bomb of truth on her. Her words are so jumbled up, it just makes my brain hurt.

    1. Anonymous2:10 PM

      Please. An update or something. Thanks.

    2. Anonymous2:42 PM

      What, her idiocy on this video isn't enough "revelation" for you? She doesn't need any help, she's doing it all herself.

    3. Anonymous5:10 PM

      It's a long way down for 'ol Britol, do you want me to act on this or not.

    4. Anonymous7:33 PM

      5:10 PM
      It's a long way down for 'ol Britol, do you want me to act on this or not.
      Go for it. It can't be much worse than what I'm thinking.

  3. Anonymous12:26 PM

    OH MAN!!!!! The words slipped right out of that Hoohah Pink, lip glossed orifice.

    1. Anonymous1:19 PM

      Oh Man!...she is high on something. Oh Man!...does Sarah get a kick back for shilling for the NRA? Oh Man!...what a boring interview!

  4. Anonymous12:30 PM

    My god she is jackex! Fargo accent turned back on with tardive diskinesia..

  5. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Granny voice, especially at the end.

  6. Anonymous12:36 PM

    It's pretty obvious that she learned the Preamble to the Constitution from Schoolhouse Rock; I thought she was going to break out into song while trying to recite it!


  7. Anonymous12:37 PM

    In addition, listen to the off-the-cuff remarks she made after her well-rehearsed CPAC speech. When asked about young people and politics, she goes on, and on, and on, and on, from one half-thought to another, not really knowing what was coming out of her mouth.
    She started out saying that the young people in the room would have heard her words by "osmosis."
    She destroyed any cred she got with her speech with just that inanity.

  8. Anonymous12:38 PM

    a heart beat away from the presidency... omg...

    1. Anonymous2:24 PM

      12:38 PM
      But yeah, maaaaan, just think what she could have peddled from the VP residency. Just cool stuff, maaaan like t-shirts and purses and maybe some guns to common sense folks.

    2. Anonymous4:44 PM

      Where's the pipe, Mrs. Quitty Pants?

  9. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Somehow i made it thru that whole rediculous rant.
    Havn't done that in a while.
    Never noticed how big queen Esthers adam's apple is.
    She absolutely could not stop talking. Amphetamine will do that.
    And what is that clownsuit shes wearing.
    Good old sarah, she never disappoints.

    1. Anonymous1:42 PM

      I've never seen anybody's neck look like Palin's does.
      Very scary.

    2. Anonymous3:07 PM

      Last time I saw a neck like that it had a noose around it. Har Har Har

  10. Mass. Patriot12:42 PM

    Constitutional pocketbooks?
    Can you get any sleazier than that?

    Well, yes.

    And she seems so, so proud of herself for having memorized a few lines of the Constitution.

    I had to stop listening. Rattling off the Constitution as if she'd written it herself just makes me want to send my money and support to my wonderful Senator, Elizabeth Warren, who has never been known for inane nattering -- or for showing off her pocketbook as though it had been autographed by Thomas Jefferson.

  11. Anonymous12:44 PM

    While Sarah talks, Bristol is back at CPAC hotel room showing Dakota how good abstinence feels. Hope he has all his shots up to date .. and was wearing a love glove.

    1. Anonymous2:14 PM

      We have a natural beauty here with the man.

      With an education.

      Can you image how a brain scan looks of a man that would want to be with the chin cropped Bristol after knowing a educated natural beauty?

      Dakota Meyer is as nutty as a Palin.

    2. Anonymous2:41 PM

      Dakota is just as gross as Bristol. Before her he was dating some southern skank looking girl with tattoos. He has a type.

    3. Anonymous4:51 PM

      2:41 PM

      I guess the pretty one, Sara S. was a prop. I thought it was possible it didn't work out b/c she didn't put out enough. She seems to be a Christian that works at following the rules.

      He is actually attracted to low self esteem skanks. He and Bristol are perfect for each other.

  12. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Oh, Man, that woman is crazy! I want what she's taking!

  13. Anonymous12:48 PM

    I'm surprised the "oh,mans" weren't interspersed with hits on a crack pipe.

    1. Anonymous12:32 PM

      if you took a drink every time she said 'oh man' you'd be as sh*tfaced as she was

  14. Omg how could you listen to her blathering for more than one minute without slitting your wrist?

    1. Anonymous1:08 PM

      Or shoving knitting needles in your ears?!
      M from MD

  15. Caroll Thompson12:52 PM

    Doesn't Sarah know that the Government built the internet? The internet was built for the military with our tax dollars. It was Al Gore who sponsored the bill allowing the internet to be for the public.

    Yes, we know all about the internet Sarah. You know as much about the internet as you do about Paul Revere's ride (which is absolutely nothing).

    1. Anonymous1:56 PM


      Net neutrality keeps the gubmint's greedy grasping hands off our family's gill nets?!

    2. Anonymous4:38 PM

      no she thinks her budds at MTA and 'programmers' can erase what she communicated and 'tag' some with online monitoring...they get real pissy when security kicks them off from sending the intel to 'another page'...sounds like the cyber police to me!

  16. Anonymous12:57 PM


  17. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Pure devilment on display. Sarah is morphing into a demon before our eyes. Her saliva is as slick as snail slime. She flicks her tongue out like a reptile. Her mammalian hair is falling out. She eats her young. She is losing the ability to speak.

    I bet her skin is turning into snake scales.

    1. Anonymous4:39 PM

      well shit then someone start a go fund for Sarah Palin...
      Needed: Bathtub and 50 gallons of olive oil...lol...

    2. Anonymous5:32 PM

      Hey, you like her almost as much as i do!

  18. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Guess those bags are made to carry your second amendment required 9-MM, six-shooter, assault pistol in NRA approved concealed carry style.

    1. Anonymous2:40 PM

      Those purses are some of the cheapest looking shit I've ever seen. I bet she throws it in the nearest dumpster while no one is looking.

  19. She looks good but sounds as bad as ever. She's an idiot, the net neutrality comment was the priceless nonsense she is known for, it is hilarious that she seems to think ( based on her mannerisms and expressions) that she is IT, that she is making sense...it is really, really funny.

  20. Anonymous1:13 PM

    I LOOOVe the way she's trying to act & look cute while using her granny voice....HAHAHAHAHAH
    Also, even thought she got the face fillers she couldn't do anything about that granny voice.

  21. Whatduhwhat!!

    People do what to "achieve?" WTFF Garble, garble.

    Why did it seem like she was on Jeopardy?

    All the unnecessary yakking. The insufferable witch reminded me of a very drunk QVC host. she has over played the tacky factor.

    I like it when she'd balled up her fist and looked at it to make sure it was a fist. The gestures were overly played.

    This women is very sick. Now she is foaming at the mouth. What a freakin clown.

    And her fans are worse, they drink the Kool-Aid and wear the blue sneakers.

    gop at its finest.

  22. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Hey, Sarah -- net neutrality "promotes the general welfare."

    I'm sure you threw in all the other nine amendments in the Bill of Rights as you rattled along, since now the 10th amendment is the big one that your conservative pals are riding all the way to the Supreme Court.
    If they can't get their way, then you can pull out your 2nd Amerndment armaments to enforce your "rights."

  23. Grrrr !1:21 PM

    The woman SHIMMERS with stupidity like heat rising from asphalt on a summer day.

    1. Anonymous1:44 PM

      Ah yes, she is as intelligent as she is beautiful /s

    2. I was think steam rolling off a hot turd on a cold day

    3. Anonymous2:39 PM

      She is shapely, shimmering, stunning and stupendous. (I'm borrowing shit from one of her alliterative supporters that likes to leave these kind of droppings all over the internet)

    4. Anonymous3:59 PM

      2:39 PM

      That kook has been leaving alliterative 'odes' to Palin for years. It's some fellow out of South Carolina (who appears to have had some type of association with Nikki Haley). I've forgotten his name. I gleaned this after he accidentally (I presume) had his profile on the Anchorage Daily News linked to his Facebook page.

  24. Anonymous1:23 PM

    She hasn't a clue what net neutrality is, or that the President appoints some of the members, just as Geo. Bush appointed some of the members. The FCC is not nameless bureaucrats --- it's been around for decades, and governs such regulations as a political candidate can't also appear on TV except in interviews or paid ads. That's why Ronald Reagan's movies weren't shown during his political campaigns, and why Mike Huckabee just quit Fox. If it worked for your side, you'd be all for it.

    If a Republican were in the White House, the vote would have gone the other way. It was 3-2, Sarah.
    But how, exactly, does net neutrality hinder your freedom, Sarah? It does exactly the opposite.
    What a maroon.

  25. Anonymous1:26 PM

    LOL, being brought up by a father who needed free food to feed his kids because he never troubled himself to get a steady job.

    1. Anonymous11:06 AM

      Is Mr. Heath a grifter too? I thought he was a school teacher. Or just a sub teacher?

  26. Anonymous1:32 PM

    I switched from reading at c4p to watching that video. It saddens me that there are those of my generation that admire her, or view her as intelligent, let alone, presidential material. I just don't understand why they can't see her for what she truly is.

    1. A J Billings2:10 PM

      Indoctrination by far right talk show liars like Limbaugh, Coulter, Hannity,

      Religion. Specifically evangelical Christianity as propagated by the various 20th century movements descended from the Assembly of God, Reconstructionism, Moral Majority

      Lack of education: From the people I've known personally, and from reading extensively, and online, it seems that most of the religious right, are not well read, never went to college, and are content with church, bible, God, guns, family, and work.
      Most of them have not read history, economics, politics of the 20th century, and lack the interest or motivation to research and fact find.

      These factors render many of the over 50 crowd into virtual sheep that follow whatever Limbaugh, Pat Robertson, Franklin Graham, Sarah Palin, or Ted Cruz regurgitate, and they nod their heads in unison knowing that God is on their side.

      Barry Goldwater summed it up nicely in 1992 while helping to write his biography:

      "“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”
      ― Barry M. Goldwater

      “I am frankly sick and tired of the political preachers telling me as a citizen that if I want to be a moral person, I must believe in A, B, C, and D. Just who do they think they are? And from where do they presume to claim the right to dictate their moral beliefs to me? ”

      ― Barry M. Goldwater

    2. Anonymous2:37 PM

      There really aren't "so many" just a few deluded idiots that support her. Remember 25% of the GOP are absolute science deniers and overall crazy people, but 25% of a party does not mean a hill of beans in the overall scheme of things. She's the fringe of the fringe, the farthest right of the far right, anathema to the majority of reasonable people in this country. Obama being elected twice proves my point.

    3. Anonymous7:25 PM

      A. J. Billings @2:10 PM
      Thanks for the Goldwater quotes.

    4. Anonymous6:09 AM

      Correct, there aren't that many they are just extremely loud. Beside CPAC is a congregation of wingnuts across the spectrum and she wasn't able to pull 1% of their vote in that straw poll.

  27. Boscoe1:46 PM

    "That's why we go to the experts."

    "Experts." LOL Next you're gonna tell us that we should turn to actual scientists to make determinations about science... ;P

  28. Anonymous1:51 PM

    It is great if she could actually stay off the sauce for an few hours but we all know the real Palin screech.

    Bizarro the Clown


    Thank you John MCain.

    1. Anonymous2:34 PM

      She looks like a skinny Mariah Carey in that Bizarro photo!

  29. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Sarah, despite what Sen. Ted Stevens said, the internet is not "a series of tubes."

    Wipe that image away and start fresh. You then might understand why you'll be able to get internet services in Wasilla at the same speed and price as you could get them in Anchorage.

  30. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Oh, MAN! I couldn't stand to watch - oh MAN! - more than a minute or so, oh MAN!

    WTF was she on?! Some heavy stuff, for sure!
    $carah: Also, too: please do not put that idiotic pink lip gloss on your herpes-infested lips! that pink sh*t might be OK for Piper-Diaper to wear, but NOT for a 50+ y/o woman. Especially not when you are fostering a blooming herpes sore!

    Cannot comment on the context, because - oh MAN! - I could not bear to hurt my ears and my brain any more than for a minute or so, OH, MAN!

  31. You stupid fucking guttersnipe, you can't blather endlessly about the sacred Constitution blah blah blah and the founding fathers are geniuses for having written it blah blah blah and at the same time shriek in your sawzall voice about how evil gummint is and we the people have to "take it back."

    You stupid fucking useless ignorant harpy. Go jam a banjo into that gaping maw of yours.

    1. Anonymous2:59 PM

      Don't hold back! How do you really feel? LOL!!

    2. Please post more often!

  32. Anonymous2:26 PM

    I'm home man I'm home!
    -Sarah Palin
    2015 CPAC

    That's Sarah Palin's problem. No Sarah you retard you are not home bitch. You are CPAC. If you had not lost the election you would be home in Washington DC and collecting per diem for your Wasilla house.

    Sarah exacyly where are you so someone can call Trig and Piper and tell where you are enjoying yourself.

    Better yet, surprise them yourself and pick up one of your cell phones and call them. Let them know who's calling just in case they don't recognize your voice.

  33. Anonymous2:30 PM

    I can't understand how ANYONE would think she has anything of value to say. That was painful to watch,I wish there was a transcript,Gryphe.

  34. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Oh, man, Sarah, like oh, man, that's what you must sound like when they don't medicate you.

  35. krbmjb052:41 PM

    SQUIRREL!! https://www.tumblr.com/hello_lightbox/katnisstrinket/107632506731?follow_source=FOLLOW_SOURCE_BLOG_LIGHTBOX#

  36. krbmjb052:44 PM

    We the people....man......constitution......man.......liberty bell.......man...........NRA...........man...............lamestream media.............man................zzzzzzzz...........man!!

    1. Anonymous3:10 PM

      Ah ha! Krbmjb05 your identity has been unmasked. You are Sarah's speechwriter!

    2. Faved! Man...

  37. Oh man, she gives me a freakin' headache!

  38. ibwilliamsi2:55 PM

    She reminds me of the "Tentacles of Doom" episode of Father Ted where they taught Father Jack a few phrases that could answer any question. "That would be an Ecumenical matter!" rather than "Feck!" "Arse!" "Nuns!"

  39. Her lips look like she just ate a whole pot of possum stew.

    1. I was going to say that it looks like she used every bit of the grizzly, or the seal, or the whale: Her face is glossy with bear/seal/whale fat, or something.

      "Don't let 'em see ya sweating, Sarah!"

    2. Cracklin Charlie9:23 AM

      Like a two day old possom stew.

      Thats the thing about possom....its just as good the second day.

  40. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Ol' granny Palin's voice is changing to a granny sound. But she's not that old. That's werid. I wonder if she's lying about her age. I mean she DOES look like she's in her 60s. I wouldn't doubt it if she was closer to Sally's age.

  41. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Oh, man. I hope Scarah does a video enlightening us about the net neutrality death panels!

  42. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Sarah's 2016 campaign slogan: "Amazing America, Man!"

  43. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Why does she sound like she's got straw in her throat, when she yells; all manly and throaty and scraping like nails on a chalkboard. She doesn't need to speak that way, but makes her voice raspy and hoarse.

    She has to thank her dad, but never acknowledges her mom.

    1. Anonymous4:03 PM

      I'll bet her mother is embarrassed as HELL.
      I sure would be.

    2. Anonymous4:57 PM

      her mom's a braindead enabler - has always looked the other way ..

    3. Anonymous5:20 PM


    4. Anonymous6:18 PM

      My GOD this family are FREAKS!

    5. Anonymous8:20 PM

      Her Sally mom, it appears, is simply not there. No there, there to occupy. Sad, really.


  44. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Oh, like Man, I gave you this great interview. So, Man, how 'bout you giving me one of those $399.00 conceal carry 2nd amendment purses? Hey, Man, like, give me a purse for Bristol, too, Man.

    1. Anonymous4:18 PM

      Yes, Man, that was, like, irritating me too!

    2. Anonymous4:55 PM

      Man, like my mom is like soooo hip, laid back and cool ...

  45. Anonymous4:09 PM

    2 bottles of Red Bull $6
    Fiifth of Smirnoff $18
    Daily meth dosage $50

    Babbling like a total fucking moron for all to hear... priceless

    1. Anonymous6:25 PM

      best comment of thread

  46. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Gryphen wanna see her wig out worse? Since she's wiggin?
    Ask her what that recent Alaska Superior Court Judge in Anchorage ruled that the State of Alaska can't dump kids in that Charter North facility...you know 'unlawful imprisonment of a minor' ouch felony indeed...oh Sarah is on flashback now
    So now why did Governor Frank Murkowski reverse the Statutes of Limitations on Rape in 2003? What could it be??
    Lol...now wait for it Gryphen...it will be 'epic' in word salads!
    So Sarah poo...looks like No Name has a HUGE lawsuit now? Gee first it's your antics...now we get to rewind...
    HUGE payouts...pain...suffering...punitive damages...
    How long is that for Sarah...hang on...calculating...
    Ouch...38 years of pain and suffering...billions in damages!
    Tell Dave Parker the 'Fox has entered the hen-house'...
    Let me know how that can work out for all those involved...
    Federal eyes are all up in Alaska's business now baby girl...
    Good Luck with all that...

    The State of Alaska will be broke now baby girl...

    1. Anonymous5:04 PM

      Whoever you are, our new friend, please proceed.

    2. Anonymous5:07 PM

      Holy info Batman!

    3. Anonymous5:22 PM

      In all due respect, please tell us what you know. No games, thats how we roll here.

    4. Anonymous8:58 PM

      ah that ordeal...fume...folks it's not a joke... pathetic really..they really do crucify those they cannot forget..and wanna hear something that really would wig out Palin...the person's BF father was administrator of place and had a 'super' hyper grandkid...but ya didn't see em hopping em up on Ritalin or imprisoning them at age 11 either...ouch!
      Character witness anyone...hey that reminds me of that saying 'can I get a witness' ? Why yes indeed...lol...oh this could be a bestseller if the person wrote a book about all the 'crap' people put that person thru...oh boy...this is the tip of the iceberg folks...hang in there...sounds like legal proceedings and official meetings will take place...
      good job kiddo! keep teaching them to fish...that really pisses off the worst of the critics doncha no?

    5. Anonymous9:04 PM

      yeah sarah can't work with the mentally ill if you are mentally ill you dumbass...so as for contracting
      I didn't know wanting to work in the forest was 'evil' but keep up the 'smear' campaign...I hear lost revenues in 2011 were 2.4 billion according to a DoD Marketing report sent...damn that is going to cost the State! When did that person go into contracting? 1989? damn that is a lot of money...

    6. Cracklin Charlie9:17 AM

      She looked pretty `wigged out` in that pic of her smooching ole Todd after his widdle race.

      What WAS that on her head?

  47. Anonymous4:59 PM

    I don't think that was her. I think that was an animated Madame Tussaud's wax replica. The Sarah Palin on the video looks about as much like the real Sarah Palin as Burt Reynolds looks like the real Burt. I mean, honestly. That's not really her.....

  48. Anonymous5:17 PM

    It doesn't matter what Track has done, nor Tood's lack of military partticipanc

  49. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Palin is a perfect example of why you should never combine prescription amphetamines with street meth and coke.
    Her extreme agitation and hyperactivity
    is a hint that at any time , she could go into an irreversible
    cardiac arrhythmia.
    This woman is in dire need of an intervention.
    Her far right groupies enable and coddle her instead of getting her the help she so desperately needs.
    And when the inevitable happens, as we all know
    it eventually will,
    the liberal media , Democrats, RINOs, Tina Fey, Katie Couric, Steve Schmidt ,Nicolle Wallace and assorted and
    random " haters " will be blamed.
    Isn't there a single person in her circle and family who gives a damn about this woman who is clearly
    circling the drain ? Obviously not.

    1. Anonymous5:42 PM

      Friends and Family of Scarah: ignore all this talk about intervention. Everything is fine. In fact, double down on whatever cocktail of drugs super-scintillating-sexy-Sarah is taking. It is at the cusp of being AWESOME!

    2. Anonymous6:07 PM

      I call bullshit on who will be blamed. Why is it their fault? Because she didn't get what God told her was hers? Let her RUN and the voters of this nation will show her AGAIN that she is NOT Queen Esther. She is NOT of God, no way, no HOW.

    3. Anonymous6:44 PM

      5:42 PM
      My attitude used to be like 5:18 PM. I never have wished ill-will on anyone, even the most despicable person but now I agree with you 5:42 PM. Why intervene? Sarah chose her path. She chooses what she does. The number of people she's hurt is impossible to count. I say let her go, whether she's clean and sober or not, she has a sick mind and a cruel heart. Sarah isn't smart enough or well educated enough to benefit from any type of therapy. Would a sober Sarah be kind? Or have any compassion for others? She's even cruel to her children except when she can profit in some way from pretending to care for them.

      Sarah, if you read this and I think you probably will, just keep on keeping on. You're doing great, the world is jealous of you, you're prettier and sexier and smarter than all other women and men. Speaking of men, all men adore you, they all would drop everyone else to be with you. You'll lose all of those qualities if you sober up. You've got the world fooled. Call your dealer, Sarah and sit back and enjoy it. Party hardy, Sarah.

    4. Cracklin Charlie9:13 AM

      Thank you, 6:44...I mean President Obama.

      That is sage advice.

    5. Anonymous3:20 PM

      cracklin charlie is crackin' me up....Dis Gusted.

  50. Anonymous5:24 PM

    About 3 times wbats ut worth

  51. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Zeemes thiss more cljuting an zbxvc then esle

  52. Anonymous5:34 PM

    What a graceless clod she is.

  53. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Grifter ware/accessories for sale…. See those bags and other teabigot junk items being hustled on the $arah channel. Line up TeaConfederates!

  54. Anonymous5:43 PM

    That is why ALL presidents have advisors. Prsidents are generally stupid people who are fronts for something.

    But that video is like watching obama sans script. At least she's a naturally perky person, as I've been told by everyone who's around her daily

    1. Anonymous5:54 PM

      Idiocy personified^

    2. Anonymous5:55 PM

      Oh for SHIT'S sake...

      Then RUN that stupid bitch, you IDIOT!

    3. Anonymous6:03 PM

      Ha ha! That's funny!

    4. Anonymous6:11 PM

      All presidents DO have advisers (note the correct spelling). It is not because they are as stupid as 5:43. It is because no one could keep track of international affairs involving 150 or so countries, energy, the environment, space exploration, latest developments in science, agriculture, trade, manufacturing, espionage (that's spying), military affairs, it is a much longer list.

      You are told by everyone who is around Sarah that she is a naturally perky person. The person we saw in the video was drugged and manic, hyper-active, unable to finish complete sentences, and Oh, Man, she kept Oh Man saying the same Oh Man stuff over and over. Unlike 5:43, I have met President Obama, a man with a law degree from Harvard, a person who taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago, and he IS THAT SMART. He is also smart enough to listen to the advice of those around him, unlike George W. Bush who only consulted a "higher father," meaning God. Sarah doesn't follow good advice, as we have seen. Example: She quit a good job to cash in, dooming her chances to ever run for President.

      It's a waste of time to respond to the troll, who posts but doesn't read. But the rest of you do read, and it's for you and Gryphen.

    5. Anonymous6:34 PM

      Yes, keep trying to compare President Obama to Sarah. Deep down you know they are in NO WAY even CLOSE to equal. Sarah knows it too. She's not fit to scrub the White House toilets.

    6. Anonymous6:38 PM

      5:43 You haven't been told shit, nobody talks to your crazy ass. Sarah is naturally drugged up, mrs messenger/troll/alicia.

    7. Anonymous7:17 PM

      Sarah is naturally perky? Holy shit! Young teens are perky. Cute puppies and kitties are perky. 50+ year old women are not perky. Also too the only thing that Sarah is "naturally" is stupid, vicious, crazed for attention and horny.

    8. Anonymous8:31 PM

      In that video, Sarah is higher than a kite. Booze and drugs don't mix.

    9. Anonymous12:50 AM

      6:11 -- My son met then-Senator Obama, too, in 2004, after he'd been on Meet the Press but the morning before he gave his dynamite speech at the Boston Convention. Mr. Obama was walking alone, with no aides.
      Son: "Aren't you Mr. Obama?"
      BHO: "Why yes, I am. What's your name?"
      Son: John.
      BHO (in a hurry to get someplace): "What brings you to this convention?"
      Son: I'm working behind the scenes."
      BHO: "That's cool. Where do you come from?"
      Son: Answer.
      BHO: Slowing down. "What year are you at school."
      Son: Junior in High School.
      BHO: "So glad you could be here. I used to live in Boston myself. Do you like it here?"
      Son: "Yes. And meeting you, sir! Good luck!"

      That's President Obama. He had time on one of the most important days of his life to take a moment to talk with a not-yet-voting teenager who he happened to meet in a hallway at the Boston Convention Center. And my son said he seemed genuinely interested. And this was the day before he became a national phenomenon, when no one ever again would ask him, "Aren't you Mr. Obama?"

      That's the cool, calm, and kind person we have as President right now.

    10. Anonymous6:03 AM

      12:50 - what an epic memory. A family story to share for generations.

    11. laurensd16:11 AM

      The day is so much brighter with your sharing of this revealing story. Obama's cool and I bet your son is too!

    12. Anonymous9:18 AM

      Thank you for sharing, Anonymous 12:50...brought tears to my eyes.

  55. janice5:49 PM

    On Todds, Irondog site, he says that SarahPac is one of his sponsors. How much is Sarah giving him out of her fund and is that legal?

    1. Anonymous6:04 PM

      He was racing to honor Chris Kyle's Frog Foundation. Could that be the political connection? The foundation is supposed to help veterans.

    2. Anonymous6:15 PM

      Could this finally be the mistake that take $arah down? Oh please, oh please!

    3. Anonymous6:48 PM

      6:04 PM
      The foundation is supposed to help veterans.

      What a crock that is.

  56. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Has $arah ever done anything that doesn't subsequently beg the question WTF? What a maroon!

  57. Anonymous6:34 PM

    How can anyone take seriously anyone that would do an interview so completely drunk??

    1. Anonymous7:31 PM

      Adderall and Red Bull is her gin and juice.

  58. Anonymous6:48 PM

    5:17 PM Why are you always KISSING TRACK MENARD'S drugged ass?

  59. I wonder if Sarah Palin would even be able to talk if someone strapped her arms to her sides with a roll of duct tape....

    1. Anonymous7:57 PM

      Would be interesting and quite possibly mildly entertaining with the sound muted.


  60. Anonymous7:13 PM

    What is her problem? We saw this at the SNL anniversary show. Sarah getting in peoples faces, punching the air. She has a problem, drugs or booze or a combination, or maybe she is perpetually stuck at the age of fourteen.

    She honestly acts like a borderline retarded person. I don't care about how she delivered a speech, a trained monkey could pull that off, she practiced that speech at CPAC, she went on stage and managed to not make a total fool of herself. Mission accomplished! her handlers breathed a sigh of relief.

    I wonder if this interview was done before or after her speech, when she could get off stage and do her pills. Hey man, like I did good right?

    Hold up the free purses Sarah, they are not really free we expect you to advertise for us and Sarah says "Cool man free stuff" Advice to Bristol, your Mom was looking at Dakotas crotch and I pity you because she thinks she is your friend and not a Mom and she won't let go of trying to be "sexy" . I see a bad moon rising.

    1. Anonymous7:57 PM

      I have never seen anything like this in my LIFE.
      What do they have to do? Drug her up and down
      and Elvis and Michael Jackson?
      She is one sick SICK woman.

    2. Anonymous9:29 PM

      She'll soon be asking Dakota to show her how to use the gun under her bed (wink, wink).

  61. Anonymous7:17 PM

    I guess her screeching blew out my speakers, I am not getting any audio.

    Is she wearing a rubber blouse to match the rubber skirt?

    I seriously doubt CyberSarah knows anything about net neutrality, probable thinks it has something to do with fishin'.

    1. Anonymous9:15 AM

      That's exactly what I thought about the blouse!

  62. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Good lord! What was she hopped up on? Broke into a rambling preamble describing those bags and then managed to interject her usual talking points haphazardly throughout the interview. What an effin' trainwreck!


  63. Anonymous7:40 PM

    I had a drinking game going on with my buddies. Every time that old hag said man we would take shots.

    We had to stop, there wasn't enough liquor at the liquor store.

  64. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Wasilla is the meth capital of Alaska. You go girl.

  65. Anonymous7:45 PM

    janice5:49 PM

    On Todds, Irondog site, he says that SarahPac is one of his sponsors. How much is Sarah giving him out of her fund and is that legal?


    Can you inbred dumbfucks send me more money? I'm sponsoring my husband's hobby.

    1. Anonymous8:19 PM

      No SHIT. Her PAC was "supposedly" set up to fund conservative candidates, not a bi-sexual EX husband girly man PIMP trying to be one of the boyz.

      No corporate sponsors anymore, Tawd? Could a certain brawl having something to do with it, big boy?

  66. Anonymous7:57 PM

    You think you're tired of hearing Sarah Palin saying "Man"?

    Just imagine you're Glenn Rice, every time you took her deep she would holler out "oh man oh man oh man". After a while you would say fuck it and leave her crossed eye ass foaming at the mouth spread eagle on her sister's bed and get the hell out of there.

    1. Anonymous7:14 AM

      Bwahahahaha that is about right.

  67. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Dakota when you are finished banging Bristol, leave her off at the closest fire station.

    Slow down to 5 mph open the door, push her out and get out of town. No questions asked!

  68. Anonymous8:21 PM

    That's why you won't find an Alaskan's name on her SarahPac FEC donation report. We got tired of paying her way as mayor, as governor, Sarah Palin's Alaska, her house, her kids trips, per diem to live at home. Sarah Palin has to start paying her way or you people in the lower 48 can continue to pay for Sarah to live high on the hog. This Alaska ATM is closed!

  69. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Is Dakota willing to live in Wasilla? He is from Kentucky for Dogs sake. You think Bristol is going to give up her "Tree house" on the lake? Is she going to leave Tripp to Levi most of the year? Dakota you had better be willing to move to Alaska being from Kentucky you may not like it.

    These people are brain dead.let's see how long this long distance relationship can last.What can he get from Mama Palin? and what can Mama Palin get from him? He's a want to be star so he should fit right in, and Sarah can go on and on about her son in law the medal of honor vet while she promotes her brand.

    After seeing those pictures Sarah and Dakota holding the "F" u poster Bristol, tell your Mom to stay away from your next meal.

  70. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Hahahaha! Derp. Deep, Derp.

  71. Anonymous9:17 PM


  72. Anonymous10:13 PM


    Fresh dead bodies will pass gas and even get erections...much like these Whackadoodle Conservative Christians...just a bit of gas and useless erections left...

    Huffington Post Article
    Farmer Barbara - CA
    Facebook poster/commenter

    This is after Palin blasts O' Reilly for 'lame media" ...go figure!

    I saw this comment and I had to pass it on...like gas...funny!

  73. Anonymous2:53 AM

    After major surgery , I was on percocet for about 5 days and my voice got all raspy. My doctor said it was a side effect of the narcotics that some people can experience.
    I think she is using narcotics big time in this video.

    1. Anonymous2:44 AM

      She and Barstool probably have accumulated a nice stash after all the cosmetic procedures. Some docotors will keep giving you narcs after a tummy tuck and lipo for wuite some time if you complain enough. (Speaking not from my own experience but from what my sister told me about a friend o hers who had those procedures)

  74. Anonymous2:57 AM

    the whore of babble-on. the nuthouse called . they have a family plan.

  75. Anonymous2:58 AM

    It will never cease to astound me that there are people who think she's the answer to what ails this country. OMG.

  76. Anonymous3:39 AM

    I lasted a minute 58 seconds.
    Can't do it any more.
    She is a Fucked up retard.
    Go home and stay home Sarah. And for gods sake get some help.
    What does a leather purse have to do with the fucking Liberty Bell??

  77. Anonymous5:54 AM

    What is she on?

    1. Cracklin Charlie9:07 AM

      What isnt she on?

  78. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Okay. I did not listen to the interview with Sarah - a combination of the sound on the computer (or lack thereof) and my attempts to preserve my hearing - but I did see her showing off two purses. Now, did she just shoplift them from the hotel gift store? Why did they have tags on them? I'm truly curious. Sarah Palin is such a nutcase that there must be some implausible (but, because it's Sarah Palin, believable) explanation.

  79. Anonymous8:27 AM

    She speaks like a 13 year old girl at a One Direction concert.

    1. Anonymous2:40 AM

      more like a preteen 11.

  80. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Wasillians is Sarah Palin's personality like the NRA interview?

    If no then Sarah must have taken something to get her like that.

    Imagine if that interview guy pissed off hyped up Sarah, what would hyped Sarah do? How would hyped up Sarah react?

    I wonder if the whole Palin clan took that same substance to get them all jacked up when they arrived at the 2015 Palin Showdown At The Ho Down? Or was it alcohol that got the clan all jacked up ready to fight at the Palin Brawl?

    Back to the interview, imagine if hyped up Sarah was irritated by the interviewer, would she holler out



    1. Anonymous8:54 AM


      Yes you are the village idiot from Alaska

  81. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Did Sarah Palin who claims she received a degree in journalism fuck up again with her facts? Alaska news station, is this why Sarah Heath was let go?

    Washington Post
    Sarah Palin’s odd description of Iraq and Afghanistan deployment trends

    ....This statement came from Palin’s speech on veterans, during which she focused on the experiences of the “war on terror” generation that served in Iraq and Afghanistan. We’d previously rated a section of this speech in which she used an inaccurate statistic for veteran suicides. But this passage also caught our attention.

    She compared the enlistment period of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans to the deployment periods of previous conflicts. She went on to say that lengthy and repeat deployments are costly and contribute to veterans being diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder.

    But enlistment and deployments are two different things, and this comparison stood out as an odd one. What is the average deployment length for Iraq and Afghanistan veterans? And what does her statement say about the military experience of the Iraq and Afghanistan veterans?

    Read more:

  82. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Oh maaaan, she looks like she's been eating fried chicken.
    ~ Radley

  83. Anonymous8:53 AM

    More Palin lies to grift people out of money so she can live for FREE: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/fact-checker/wp/2015/03/04/sarah-palins-odd-description-of-iraq-and-afghanistan-deployment-trends/

  84. TwoBlueJays8:55 AM

    To quote the hilarious Rude Pundit on Scarah:
    "...the rest of us knew she was a fraud and a puffed-up idiot, a wannabe player, and a power-mad gorgon from the start. We didn't need this babbling cartoon character, this monster with a gaping maw, gorging on fame and attention like a snake on a rat, to blither through one more parade of faux folksiness, like Hee-Haw was her Critique of Pure Reason."

  85. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Sarah is at it again. Sarah is running out of things to grift. Time for a new scam. Let's sell t-shirts!

    Sarah has "23,641 people like this" so far.
    23,641 x $$ = $23641??

    Nice haul for for the grifter. What's next? Hey what happened to the Sarah Palin Cook Book and the Sarah Palin Fitness Book?

    Sarah Palin’s Facebook
    16 hrs · 

    Excellent speech by Prime Minister Netanyahu today! If you want to continue to show your support for Bibi and Israel, check out this bold t-shirt from SarahPAC:https://www.sarahpac.com/stand-with-bibi-tshirt/‪#‎StandWithBibi‬

    1. Anonymous10:59 AM

      Sarah the expert on The Constitution should read this.


  86. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Anonymous8:52 AM

    Did Sarah Palin who claims she received a degree in journalism fuck up again with her facts? Alaska news station, is this why Sarah Heath was let go?

    I thought Sarah Heath was let go because of how she got an interview with Michigan collegiate basketball player Glenn Rice who was playing in a basketball tournament in Alaska?

    Was Sarah Heath fired? Why?

  87. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Sarah Palin got the Paul Revere facts wrong

    Sarah Palin got the years of deployment wrong.

    Sarah Palin got the White House address wrong

    Sarah Palin gets a lot of facts wrong.

    Sarah Palin when you said that Todd is Track's father, is that wrong too? Check your facts, count the number of months from conception.

  88. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Sunken in eyes.

  89. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Listening to her is hilarious. She is always so obviously in performance mode. Never authentic or candid. What's amazing is how she shoehorns as many talking points as possible with every flap of her mouth, interrupted only by self congratulation. Repulsive. And the globbed on lipgloss, LOL!

  90. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Oh look, it's the jackass.

  91. What is wrong with her? Probably several things.

    Was she subjected to emotional neglect or abuse during her formative years? Does she have a personality disorder? Brain damage from inadequately treated epilepsy? Does she suffer from an undisclosed degenerative neurological syndrome? Is she self-medicating or is someone else doping her?

    In her public life, Sarah Palin has descended from a respected political position into painful lunacy. In private, not one person among her family and friends cares enough to organize an intervention for her.

    1. Anonymous2:38 AM

      See Sybil: the movie.

      Sexual abuse by a family member which caused her to have multiple personailties. Also low IQ . No therapy, self medicating.

  92. I've somehow staggered into an evolutionary 'culture de sac' - a species of half evolved 'COMMENTARY THREADERIANS' encrusted in their own bottom feeding 'poop' raging at an advanced intelligence named Palin trying to make sense of their irrelevance!

  93. Anonymous7:10 AM

    This unpatriotic woman needs to leave our country & take her traitor GOPs with her.
    The woman is always putting down her own country. What a traitor & POS.

    1. You 'Progressives' still think that your political ideology is the only game in town!

      Your leaders and GOP Leaders who are also unhappy with the way the 'Rank & File' think are practicing treason themselves by forceably changing the demographics of the country to hopefully in their elitist imagination drown out this 'Tea Party' contagion through 'Open Borders Illegal Immigration'.

      No need to leave your country, your country is leaving you!

      I wouldn't rule out however that someone like a Palin with her 'folkiness' could transfer these illegals to down to earth "Red Necks' especially when they find out the GOP Elite has brought them here to be slaves to corporate America!

      But Palin needs to run as an Independent to prevent being co-opted by the 'Marxist Left' and the all controlling corporate interests!

    2. Anonymous9:47 AM

      YOU people who want to seccede should do so ASAP & leave us patriotic people alone. You bunch of POS traitors!
      Wy don't you go back to Israel, China, Canada, etc & keep putting America down with your Fu*kn speaches while you're part of "no-where-land!"

    3. Anonymous9:49 AM

      Palin needs to leave my wonderfful country ASAP & go kiss Neta... ass down in Israel, or go S*ck on her hero Russian leader. DO IT NOW. We REAL Americans are sick of people like you whoo wish & work for America to fail.

    4. Anonymous we have no time to work against America as we spend most of our time trying to break through your harangue to see if you can engage in dialogue as we believe even those spewing are worth the effort to have a conversation with but maybe this is just wishful thinking?

    5. Anonymous2:10 PM

      Palin should run for office all right, but not in America. She can go run for office in her own "independent" country or all those other countries she idolizes. All she ever does is put down America and wishes for America to fail. We will never forget that she and her husband belong to the "independent" party who wishes to secede from America & her kissing up to Putin et.al. TRAITORS

  94. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Leslie, why don't you go to your master's dozens of FB pages and PACs and kiss her ass over there. We already know how you people are hoping for America to fail while living off for free.
    You must know, palin & KKKLan has ALL those pages to grift money off stupid people & live off veterans blood. Her son never served in combat & there's proof so get out of here, so don't even try to throw in that traitor in the mix.

    1. Hey Anonymous!
      You can spew in a care free manner because you are ANONYMOUS!
      But really no one writes the things you do including yourself if you weren't anonymous unless you really believe the stuff you spew than we can start speculating, ie: like your in prison but no because prisoners have more time to be more contemplative than you are / like in law school but maybe not as they have enough to do like frat parties, etc / like security guard at above prison writing a joint Palin Hate with prisoner but maybe not as most prisoners like Palin!

    2. Anonymous1:51 PM

      Leslie Kaluzny11:11 AM???? Are you in the right blog? What's up with frats or prisoners. Are you talking about Trick/Track?
      Or, is that you $carah? You know, when we try to post in $carah's FB or her other money-generating-blogs, we are not allowed. Yet you come here and make no sense.
      Why don't you go post in your OWN facebook pages & many blogs, channels, faux news, etc.

    3. THIS IS THE RULE - if mention Palin then it is a Palin Blog - ownership goes with content mention!

  95. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Go tell palin to run in her OWN many face book pages & don't come here to spread your b/s.

    1. Anonymous
      Running in your own 'Face Book Pages' - Hey that's actually creative - I will use that in my commentary threads - thanks - they may be hope for you yet!

    2. Anonymous1:52 PM

      *write not run

    3. Anonymous1:56 PM

      Is that you Creepy-chuckie, earning your FREE MONEY since the free money you were grifting for your little hobby didn't work out? My grandmother is 72 and she is still working while you're "retired" and collecting free money & trying to get 30k for free from working people. SHAME ON YOU. Get a job.

    4. Anonymous2:03 PM

      If that's Creepy-chuckie no wonder he quit "teaching." The man doesn't make sense. Either that or the palin-word-salad-syndrome runs in the family.

    5. Getting free money from working people is the Obama way - why be hard on me and not on the Creepy-Chuckie race hustler?

    6. Stop being so impolite to Obama - does he know that you are calling him Creepy-Chuckie? - and no he wasn't a teacher in fact there's rumors that he skipped all his classes at Alinsky University and thats why he isn't having any luck subverting America - if Alinsky was dead he'd be stirring in his grave!

    7. Anonymous5:20 AM

      Traitor-palin aka Leslie...it figures


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