Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Jeb Bush officially throws his hat into the presidential ring for 2016.

Not that this is a surprise, but now there is not longer any remaining doubt.

I actually think that this will do for the Republican field, essentially what having Hillary contemplating a run has done to the Democratic field.

I'm not saying that Scott Walker, Rick Perry, Rand Paul, and Chris Christie will not necessarily run, I am just saying that they will have little chance of beating Jeb. And he will for all intents and purposes draw the majority of media attention.

And let me just add at this point that the Democrats have no choice but to rally behind Hillary at this point. Because like it or not she has the very best chance of beating Bush in the general.


  1. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Personally, I refuse to think about the 2016 until at minimum July of 2016. Come what may, but damn, isn't everyone else a little sick of 2-year campaigns?

    1. Anonymous3:04 PM

      @ 2:32 PM

      Canadian politics might be considered dull & boring compared to the circus atmosphere of surrounding U.S. elections but under Canada's Elections Act the minimum length of election campaigns is around 36 days.

      'In practice, the Prime Minister will generally keep a campaign as brief as is legal and/or feasible, because spending by parties is strictly limited by the Elections Act, a law which contains no provisions that would allow for increased spending in a lengthy campaign.'

    2. Anonymous3:48 PM

      Yes, Canada is reasonable. So are many other countries when it comes to the length and breadth of their campaign season. America always has to do things bigger, louder and more "exceptionally" than others do, that's why we're a laughing stock.

    3. Anonymous3:51 PM

      I know that I am. Because the possibility of a third Bush in the White House scares me so much and I equally dread the possibility of Willard ever making it there, I'm going to tune out the GOP entirely until they hold their 2016 convention. I do think it's interesting that the big GOP money people do not want a plethora of candidates like they had in 2012. This country cannot afford a Republican in the White House until both houses of Congress are solidly Democratic and the liberals again have a slight majority on the Supreme Court.

    4. Anonymous6:15 PM

      Yes, this is ridiculous, all they do is campaign, when are they actually doing any work? Although with the rethugs might be a good thing.

      I want to see how he distances himself from his brother the torturer/war criminal.

  2. A J Billings2:46 PM

    Oh, poor little $arah, doncha know that she has a sad tonite?

    Cuz, those damn Bushes, they keep being in politics, when Queen Esther is supposed to be pageant walkin' onto the stage, blowin' kisses, and being crowned Gawd's choice to lead rill 'Muricans back to theocracy.

    As distasteful as it may be to have another Bush in the white house, I'll take Jeb any day over Ted "shut it down" Cruz or Mike "the preacher" Hucksterbee.

    One small bit of schadenfreude, is that we'll get to enjoy watching the Pbots, the Palin worshipers, and the lunatic fringe right nutcases go ape shit because Jeb Bush to them is nothing more than a commie Rino, and they hate him.



    1. Anonymous4:26 PM

      HOO HAH , $arah, but she's was never running again. She can't, she was told so. Not even third party not conservative party, not whatever they want to call themselves. Read and weep, pee pond, and no amount of prayer beads and bible verses are going to change it, but please send your 2014 tax refunds. She's counting on 'em.

      As far as Jeb goes, did we NOT learn enough from the first two? I guess not.

    2. You don't think she's going to call every candidate that declare and quietly suggest she be their running mate?

  3. Beldar J Conehead2:46 PM

    Let me tell you something, buddy boy! I absolutely refuse to be drawn into a debate over whether Jeb Bush or Mittens "MITT" Romney would make the better president!

    It reminds me of the pointless argument I once had with a former friend over which animal's droppings smell better, the porcupine's or the wombat's. At the time I was hugely invested in the issue but now realize it wasn't worth losing the friend over (even tho I still STRONGLY believe that my opinion was right).

    If had the opportunity to do it over I would just smile, shrug my shoulders and say "C'mon, let's not argue. Shit is shit, right?"

    In fact, that's exactly what I would say today if anyone were to ask me which former Republican governor would make the better president.

    1. fromthediagonal3:28 PM

      Beldar, you have been rather reticent lately, and your comments have been missed by those of us who have enough brain activity to recognize satire. That said, I agree with your above assessment.

    2. Beldar J Conehead3:39 PM

      Inge, I havent been reticent. I just figured I'd give other people a chance to get a word in edgewise.

      re: Jeb's announcement: I'd have respect for him if his Facebook statement read more like this:

      "I will never be a candidate for the presidency. My family has done enough harm already, I am deeply ashamed for the misery, loss of life and national treasure inflicted on this country and around the world by my borderline retarded brother, whose name I can not bring myself to utter. I promise the American people that no Bush family member will ever run for or accept high public office and will never carelessly wreak criminal havoc on the world again. Further, I will spend the rest of my days and all of my resources finding ways to bring my brother to justice for his egregious crimes and to compensate in any way possible the victims of his vast corrupt and venal criminal enterprise. May God forgive my brother for what he has done tho I know that I never will."

    3. Cosmaline Pellegra Palin4:19 PM

      Not everyone misses you all that much. Matter of fact vibrant holiday greetings were drank and a big finger to all the h8trz. These are cousins or some other relations I think. Anyways we all always all have a drink whenever some one here used the words thongdress!


    4. Anonymous4:30 PM

      Beldar, you have been sorely missed by MANY.
      Good to see you back!

    5. Anonymous5:32 PM

      I think even Cosmaline Pellegra Palin (if that's even their real name) probably missed you Beldar. But they'll be the last to admit it.

      The guy on the left in Cosmaline Pellegra's picture? Probably not so much. Looks more like a Joe the Plumber kind of a guy. Or maybe a Toad fanboi.

    6. Beldar J Conehead5:55 PM

      Cosmaline Pellegra (or its more common east Tasmanian spellling Cosmoline Pellagra) is totally worthy of the much coveted and rarely conferred "Beldar J Conehead Fantastical Name Certification Certificate"!

      Good job, whatever the hell your real name is!!!

    7. Balzafiar5:36 AM

      Maybe a contest for Brisdull's next baby's name is in order. Cosmaline Pellagra would be great if it's a girl but we need one for a boy.

  4. As a lifelong progressive democrat and ardent supporter of President Obama (from Day One and now as much as ever), I find the idea of having no other choice besides Hillary Clinton beyond depressing. And as history shows, if anyone can blow a huge starting advantage in the polls, it's her.

    1. Henry, I am also an Obama supporter and think he's done a great job considering the obstructionism he's faced since Day 1. But he has disappointed many of his former supporters because he wasn't what THEY wanted him to be. Maybe it would be better to have a Hilary as candidate because she sure as hell isn't going to disappoint anyone. I'll support her and vote for her but most of my campaign volunteering will be down-ticket, Senate and House candidates.

    2. totally with you Henry. I'll not be voting in 2016 if HRC is the candidate. The election will be a wash between she and Jeb.

    3. And I'll vote for anyone, including Hillary, to make sure no Republican enters the White House for the next decade or more.

      I don't care who it is as long as they have the best chance of beating anyone the Republicans put up. If that is Hillary, then so be it.

  5. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Jeb is not conservative enough for the base, who are the people who vote in the prrimaries. I predict he will not be the nominee.

    1. Anonymous3:52 PM

      The GOP has enthusiastically stirred up sooo much anti-Mexican anger among the base in reaction to the new immigration Executive Order.

      It will be extremely difficult to get those same brown-folks-haters to vote for a candidate whose wife was actually born IN MEXICO!

  6. Anonymous3:09 PM

    C4P is full of angst. Wailing and tearing at their clothes while calling for their Idiotqueen to run and save them from RINO doom.

  7. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Tuesday, November 8, 2016. That's the day of reckoning and the only day that anyone needs to think about their vote. It's all noise until then.

  8. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Maybe Jeb is running in case the tables turn in the torture cases, and someone decides to proecute his dumb as crap brother?? Can't have one of the Bush family disgraced openly, there are too many offspring just panting to go into politics for the easy money.

    1. Anonymous4:22 PM

      Very possibly. And to also preclude any clown car candidate from winning the primary and taking the First Position. Once he wins the primaries, he'll put the clown car candidate into the Second Position as VP, as history repeats itself. But beyond that, Jeb is really just as far to the right as the clown car people; it's merely that he's a tad brighter (he does not drool while in public). In terms of his history and political positions he is their clone and equal, and one of them. Remember: Jeb is the person who started the whole Terry Schiavo thing simply to rally the base behind his brother. How quaint: invading the privacy of a family for political gain, a la the Thad Cochran episode more recently in Mississippi.

    2. You're saying he's running so when he wins he can pardon his brother?

      I thought George did a pre-pardon-just-in-case for Rove, Cheney and himself before he left office.

      Personally, I'd like to see George and Dick kidnapped and then flown to and dropped off in one of the countries willing to try them as war criminals since the U.S. doesn't have the balls to do it.

  9. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Jeb and his Republicans will ignore Sarah more than the President. If that's possible.

  10. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Jeb Bush’s Announcement That He Is Considering Running For President Flops On Facebook


  11. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Sarah's fans hate Jeb. They hate just about everyone except Sarah. I agree with the comments that the Republicans have gotten much more conservative, and Jeb might be seen as too moderate for them. He carries some financial baggage, not to mention the 8 years that his brother screwed the country.

  12. Anonymous3:54 PM

    So whoever wins in 2016 Clinton or some other Democrat vs Bush.. it will be 59 year old Palin in 2024 as her next shot.. LAUGH OUT FUCKING LOUD!!!!

    1. Anonymous6:21 PM

      Oh goodie, she can grift her fans until 2024 !!!

  13. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Good News! Obama protects Bristol Bay!


  14. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Wow, read Jeb's wikipedia entry. He's as slimy as they come, and will have to do a tango to explain away some of his positions.
    As for his personal life, he's had at least one long-term affair that will come out, and his three kids: one's a Texas official, one was arrested for possession of crack cocaine, and one never went beyond high school, the high light of his life being his work on a Guiliani campaign. Not a bunch of bright bulbs.

    1. Anita Winecooler5:31 PM

      Yep, and he married a hispanic woman cause he knew it would come in handy someday.

    2. Anita Winecooler5:34 PM

      And he had the forethought to marry a hispanic woman. They don't call him the "smart bush" for nothing. GW dragged them out and Jebs son even spoke to a swooning crowd.

    3. Anonymous8:58 AM

      Already sloshed at 5:30 Anita?

  15. Anonymous4:55 PM

    This should fire old sareee up to take on these good old boys.


  16. HughG.Rection7:01 PM

    I am an independent and an Obama supporter, lived in FL while Jeb was the gov, he is not a bad guy, I would be willing to listen to his arguments.

  17. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Besides the fact that too many people will never vote for Hillary, President Obama has insured that a Republican will win the next Presidential election with his position on illegal aliens and Obamacare.

    So you'd better pray a decent Republican candidate will step to the plate and beat Bush lll out in the Primary.

    My personal opinion is, it doesn't really matter which party wins the Presidency the next election and the Dems and Republicans are now just two branches of the same Party of the Privileged as seen in the recent budget debacle.

    1. Anonymous3:34 AM

      It is incredibly ignorant to go about saying that there is no difference between the political parties in this country. You don't like the ACA; sorry to disappoint you but most people do like it. You don't want to do anything about our country's immigration policies; sorry but many of us realize that something has to be done. The Obama administration has strengthened the borders, deported illegals who are criminals, and wants to help those stuck here for years who truly deserve our compassion and help.

      And yes, idiot, there are real differences between the two major political parties in this country. You can see it in the insanity brought to us daily by Mitch McConnell and John Boehner. The GOP does not think it needs to participate in governing despite being in control of the House and soon to be in control of the Senate too. If you believe in the Constitution, in the rule of law - then you don't want to have anything to do with the 21st century GOP. It is owned by the Koch brothers and their billionaire buddies.

    2. What a difference a year (and a half) makes.

      No one is going to want to give up Obamacare any more than they want their Social Security taken away.

      As for immigration, if Congress didn't like it they could have done something any number of times. They didn't. Plus, a lot can happen in 18 months. Both Obamacare and Immigration will be old news by then.

  18. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Yuck. Another loser asbush. We'll be known as loser country.

  19. Anonymous12:00 AM

    The only reason Jeb is considered a viable candidate is because he really wasn't MEDIA connected to W.

    The ONLY reason HIllary is a viable candidate is because she's democrat

    Think about it. Bill has a ton of sexual addiction in his past, there are assault stories, there are harassment stories.(obama has them too on blogs)

    Democrats are forgiven

    1. Anonymous3:28 AM

      Oh good grief. Now we're moving from making horrible accusations, unsubstantiated of course, about President Obama to making the same kinds of charges against Hillary Clinton by way of her husband. Just stop it.

      Jeb is closely connected to George W. They are brothers. Jeb was instrumental in giving George W. the election in 2000. We all know that. And we won't forget it. The biggest difference between George W., gifted to us by his brother, and Bill Clinton is that, when Bill Clinton was president, there were no wars for no reason, no torture, and the country did not come to the brink of economic collapse. Oh, and don't forget Enron - the Bush family was closely involved in that one.

    2. "(obama has them too on blogs)"
      Right. And those blogs are sewers of filth, so sorry, that crap is irrelevant.

    3. Stories on blogs?

      Now that's what I call credible research. NOT!

    4. Anonymous8:55 AM

      Not the original poster, but I have to point out the irony of the loyal IM 'truth believers', that all of a sudden don't believe stories on blogs!

      Now that is irony.

  20. Anonymous4:48 AM

    Can't they find any new blood..Damn! Not the war criminals brother. Honestly don't like Hillary or her chances, either. Warren says she's not running. Bernie would be clobbered with the "socialism' banner" although he'd be my pick. Politically speaking, I think we're f*cked.

    1. I'd love either Warren or Saunders or both, but they just can't win.

      We need a winner. That is going to be Hillary.

      Now as long as the Democrats don't ruin their chances by choosing a loser VP that will drag the ticket down, we should be safe with another 8 years of Democrats in the White House.

      That will protect the Supreme court somewhat. Ginsberg isn't going to live another 8 years.

      Now what we really need to do is concentrate on Congress. We need to take back the Senate, preferably with 61 Dems, and we need to make major inroads in the House.

      This country prospered with Democrats in charge. While the current Democrats do not resemble the Democrats of the past any more than current Republicans resemble Eisenhower or Teddy Roosevelt, Democrats are still better than the alternative.

  21. Anonymous5:46 AM

    Jeb converted to Catholicism in order to marry his Mexican wife. That will not go over with the fundies, he is not a rill Christian!!

    1. OOooo. Another strike.

      But I'm sure they can spin it to "At least he's not Mormon."

  22. This is going to be fun.

    The late night show writers are already compiling zingers I'm sure.

    And Jeb will have 6 months of Letterman followed by Colbert to deal with. Awesome.

    Not to mention the regular media ready to dig into his business dealings and take him down a peg or two.

    Personally, I'm not that worried about Jeb. Plenty of people, including Republicans don't want a Bush dynasty.

    But hey, let Jeb funnel some of those millions into the economy. He own private stimulus package.

    Can we start joking about his running mate yet?


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