Monday, September 29, 2014

If money really is now to be considered free speech, then the conservatives are screaming at the top of their lungs.

Courtesy of Salon:

There are no guarantees that future Democratic candidates will replicate Obama’s 2012 electoral success. The conservative financiers involved then regard the money that they spent that year as the initial down payment on a long-term investment, even if it did not immediately pay off. After the general election, Sheldon Adelson announced that he planned to “double” his investment in future races. “I happen to be in a unique business where winning and losing is the basis of the entire business. So I don’t cry when I lose. There’s always a new hand coming up. I know in the long run we’re going to win.” Marc Short, one of the strategists behind the political activities of Charles and David Koch, echoed that thought: “Our members are committed to the long term, not to one individual cycle.” 

In preparation for the long-term battle, these billionaires already have altered their campaign approach to maximize the odds of winning. After studying what went wrong with the 2012 campaign, individuals such as Adelson are aiming for a different kind of GOP nominee. According to Adelson’s friend Victor Chaltiel, “he doesn’t want a crazy extremist to be the nominee. He wants someone who has the chance to win the election, who is reasonable in his positions, who has convictions but is not totally crazy.” Meanwhile, Republican National Committee member Shawl Steel said that Adelson has learned from the 2012 defeat: “The candidate will have to have a strong resume—no sudden lightning-new guy—will have to build a formidable fundraising apparatus and really be emotionally tethered to bringing in middle-class Latinos, Asian Pacifics, Jews and blacks like never before.” 

Understanding the importance of the top conservative billionaires, GOP strategist and former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer said that one of the most important elements in the 2016 presidential campaign would be who would win the “Sheldon Primary.” Referring to the super-wealthy benefactor, Fleischer noted that “anybody running for the Republican nomination would want to have Sheldon at his side.” The same is true for Charles and David Koch. With their abundant resources, grassroots network, and willingness to spend to influence elections, their role in the GOP is of utmost importance. And like Adelson, they have sought to learn from 2012 and develop new electoral strategies. From their perspective, it is crucial to adapt to the political environment and alter public outreach strategies. James Davis of Freedom Partners, a Koch-financed group, said donors must test and refine their message: “Being in the field and testing during the slower periods, and in smaller areas, allows you to refine strategy and tactics so that you can make the larger investments with confidence.”

And if you are paying attention to what is happening in this midterm, you can already see how muhc money the Koch brothers and Adelson are pouring into campaigns, and how exactly that money is being spent. 

In Alaska for instance the Koch brothers have spent over one point three million dollars to defeat Senator Mark Begich, with plans to spend another five point five.

But this is just the beginning, the donations are flowing from what seems to be a bottomless pit of conservative money, and there seems to be no end in sight.

As Democrats we have the energy, the ideas, and the numbers. But if money is the deciding factor in who wins elections, then we are all but doomed.

That is why we HAVE to show up in huge number in 2014 and 2016.

We must show up in numbers too big to obscure with piles of money, be too loud to be quieted down by burying us under mountains of  cash, and too energized to be slowed down by purchasing obstacles to place in our way.

We are the future, and we must show them all that the future is not for sale.


  1. Remember this name: Nikki Haley. The South Carolina governor will be the GOP nominee in 2016.

    1. Plan ahead, progressives. Necessity dictates we draft Liz Warren starting now!

    2. Anonymous7:29 AM

      There was something about her, Nikki, cheating divorce? What was it ?
      Anyway she doesn't stand a chance against Hillary.

  2. Anonymous2:51 AM

    Where's the sarah palin "iceberg/Mack Truck" that you promised 3 weeks ago ? Said there was just one loose end to tie up ? Any updates ? Thanks.

  3. Watch and listen to this song by The Offshore Accounts! It says it all!

  4. Anonymous5:23 AM

    The Manchurian Candidate?

  5. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Here's hoping!

  6. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Such ugly human beings.

  7. Anonymous10:37 AM

    I couldn't agree with you more, and I am a serious, devoted Christian. I think the reason they "couldn't care less" about any earthly thing is that they have convinced themselves that Jesus is coming at any moment, and that they will all be raptured away from this earth. Thus, they have no. commitment. whatsoever. to make this world a better place or to fulfill the real terms of the gospel: love your neighbor (and prove this through actions: DO for your neighbor/others) as you love/do for yourself. They are zeal-filled apostates, the most dangerous sort of people to have in any society, but especially in a democratic, civilized society.

    This is no time to stay home from the ballot box; do not vote only for the 'big' races, but for all the small ones, too, as the small elected offices are where all their stealth campaigns begin. Make SURE you are involved in your own precinct, and that you get a democrat elected as your precinct chairperson. Participate in school board and other local elections as well; those offices will otherwise serve as springboards for them to propel themselves into higher positions. Be. on. the. alert. and don't be politically passive.

  8. Anonymous12:51 PM

    And, the owners of the TV stations in Alaska get richer!

    Remember that the Koch Brothers bailed on Alaska in Fairbanks due to clean up issues they didn't complete!

    And, they can pour all the money they want into Alaska (outside money!), but the individual vote is what counts.

    Knock the Koch Brothers on their asses, Alaskans!

    Cast your vote for Senator Mark Begich who is the true Alaskan in the race and the Senator who has seniority in the U.S. Congress!

  9. Anonymous5:08 PM

    The Koch Brothers are a bunch of rapists...they raped a woman together in Texas in the early 60's because they knew they could and get away with it...they made a lot of money with that HUGE account didn't they Sarah? Or is that all coming undone now? and what about that baby she had?
    It's kind of like being Spencer Reed of Criminal Minds hu?
    So the mom is schizophrenic and ends up doing suicide?
    Now that Spencer has figured it out what do you see coming?

  10. Anonymous6:00 PM

    What a serious waste of money. We have people near death from Ebola and other diseases, who, by no fault of their own, don't live on land that has oil under it, nor decent health care.
    But here we are, with fat cats who care about nothing, throwing billions to "win". With so many corporations being people, you'd think they'd raise the minimum wage, spend more on curing disease and helping their fellow man, but we're stuck with schmucks throwing away their money, and for what end?
    We've got to do our best and get out the vote, mine may not be able to be bought, but it counts the same, as do millions like me.
    Next Stop, Keep the Dems in office long enough to influence the SCOTUS.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.