Friday, May 31, 2013

In attempt to embarrass the President by demonstrating how easy it is to find the "right" rebels in Syria to support, John McCain gets photographed standing with a kidnapper.

Courtesy of Yahoo News:  

U.S. Senator John McCain was photographed during a trip to Syria with a man implicated in the kidnapping by Syrian rebels of 11 Lebanese Shi'ite pilgrims a year ago, a Lebanese newspaper said on Thursday. 

McCain, a Republican, has been an outspoken advocate for U.S. military aid to the rebels fighting President Bashar al-Assad and made a short, highly publicised trip to meet rebel commanders in Syria three days ago. 

He has insisted that the United States could locate the "right people" to help among rebel ranks infiltrated with radicalised Islamists. 

However, he may have crossed paths with men linked to a group notorious in the region for kidnapping the pilgrims, the Daily Star said. 

The paper said that as well as McCain's photographs with rebel commanders, one image showed the face of Mohammad Nour - identified by two freed hostages as the chief spokesman and photographer for the Northern Storm brigade that kidnapped them. 

The image demonstrates the difficulty of identifying who the West might want to deal with and could possibly further inflame the delicate sectarian balance in a conflict that is spilling over Lebanon's borders. 

A spokesman for McCain said none of the people he met identified themselves as Nour and it had not been his intention to meet anyone of that name.

Oh well that explains it then. I mean it's not like McCain sought out a kidnapper to be photographed with, but hey shit happens.

And if McCain has his way it will be heavily armed shit that happens.

Yes let's give weapons to people who we just met on Syrian street and who assure us they are the honest to goodness "good guys." How could that go wrong?

After all it worked so well with Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden right?

You know it almost seems like John McCain will not rest until he makes a bugger mistake than choosing Sarah Palin as his running mate, just so THAT won't be the thing he is remembered for.

Give it up John, there is NO way you will ever out do that one!


  1. angela2:36 PM

    Damn. Is there a war this man won't run and try to get our children killed in? I saw some kids throwing water balloons at each other a couple of hours ago. Somebody quick--call John, we could probably get some tanks rolling over by the rec center within twenty four hours.

  2. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Yep, that was his biggest and most derelict mistake ever. Some could call it treasonous, as Palin was less prepared to be the second in command in this country as my dog is — even today, five years older. In fact, my dog has learned a lot more in this last five years than that idiot.

  3. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Where is Sarah Palin's Facebook rants that McCain is paling around known terrorists?

    1. Anonymous5:42 PM

      Exactly! Yes, where are Palin's Facebooks rants about this egregious act of treason by Johnny War Hero McCain?

  4. Anonymous2:49 PM

    This isn't McCain's first time being pictured with terrorists if you consider McCain paling around with domestic terrorists who deal with sex trafficking of prostitutes to United States of America Secret Service agents?

    1. Anonymous3:11 PM

      Not his first and won't be his last. Why is there not someone that can watch him and put him away? He has been running his own show (with his pals) since the dark ages and getting by with all kinds of miscreant schemes. How many politicians have the contacts to get out of things like the Keating, loan scandals? The list of all McCain has gotten by with is mind boggling. He is an enormous criminal. Where would he be today without the mafia setting him up? His military family and connections only got him so far and keep him finagling, but he owes Cindy's dad connections.

    2. Anonymous6:50 PM

      Had his father and grandfather not been naval commanders, he would have been in the brig years ago. He destroyed at least 4 jets. He flew too low down a valley in Italy, severing the electrical wires between two villages. His Daddy (just like W's Daddy) covered for him, so he got away with it. Out of the class of 899 students in the naval academy, he graduated 895th.!!Google Rolling Stone article on little johnny by Matt Taiibi, it is an eye opener.

    3. Anonymous7:39 PM

      I find it amazing that they keep having him on the Sunday TV shows...I never watch him as he totally repulses me.

      I wonder how closely he and Todd Palin worked together in the prostitution business in Alaska? Would be so damned interesting to know. Did Todd transfer Alaska prostitutes across state lines? ("Boys Will be Boys" - Shailey Tripp)

    4. Anonymous8:47 PM

      I'm thinking that McCain made sure he was far away from America, and what better place than Syria, so as to be unavailable for the VietNam POW reunion this past weekend. Doubt that he would be welcomed with open arms by this group of men.

    5. Anonymous10:25 PM

      here is Matt Taiibi's Make-Believe Maverick
      A closer look at the life and career of John McCain reveals a disturbing record of recklessness and dishonesty. share it

  5. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Bloke's a feckin moron, which we've known since at least 2008.

    BTW Awesome freudian typo

    " a bugger mistake than choosing Sarah Palin"

    1. Anonymous3:14 PM

      " a bugger mistake than choosing Sarah Palin"

      He is not going to improve either. Can you imagine the next one?

    2. Anonymous3:27 PM

      Yes, lovely! :-)

    3. Randall3:54 PM

      Thank goodness he wasn't trying to say "feckless"...

    4. Anonymous6:52 PM

      I wonder how much stock this creep has in weapons factories? He is HELL bent on taking the US to another war we can not win. Stay out of the conflicts in other countries, they can not be "won" There are no winners in these religious wars.

  6. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Months ago, maybe a year or more, John McCain was said by Anonymous to be negotiating with Syrian rebels. Actually, it was said he and his team were selling, trading, stock piling weapons to the rebels. Nothing was exposed so I don't know but this is how John McCain is. He also pulled crap over Georgia (no Sarah, not where they grow peaches). Their crazy leader that ate his tie. He was a lot like Sarah, Cindy paid a visit to the country to interfere on behalf of McCain. Before he dies I wish he would be charged with some of his crimes and the people have no doubts that he is an enemy of the nation.

    1. Anonymous3:56 PM

      McCain and Graham were in Libya a couple of months before the Benghazi attack talking about arms for Syria. McCain is trying to run his own foreign policy. Someone needs to rein him in - the sequester cannot afford these gambits by two-bit members of Congress to places where they cause more trouble than they are worth.

    2. Anonymous6:55 PM

      There IS a way to shut this swine up - RELEASE his military records, and his medical records. He is no hero. Chances are his medical records will show he was infected with STD's also since he thought he was a ladies man back in the day.

    3. Anonymous7:38 PM

      Under the Logan 18 USC §953), it is a felony for any citizen (including a Congressperson) to conduct foreign policy in behalf of the US government. The Logan Act, passed in January 1799 during the administration of John Adams, is one of the oldest criminal statutes in America. Since McCain (and Lindsay Graham, and perhaps other republicans) has been critical of the administration's policies in both Libya and Syria and is reported (and shown to be doing so via photographs) to have conducted foreign policy in both places, I assume he is doing so NOT at the behest of President Obama and/or the State Department, but on his own (or some donor/s') initiative. When it comes to Benghazi, it is these republicans, and not Hillary Clinton, who should be investigated.

    4. Anonymous10:12 PM

      ...America's one man foreign policy doer and working out relationships regarding weapons and other vice. These guys aren't talking sports or even girls. They are merchants making deals. I can't believe he won't be charged and seriously locked up. Anyone else would be made an example and would never live down their crimes.

    5. Anonymous10:16 PM

      When it comes to Benghazi, it is these republicans, and not Hillary Clinton, who should be investigated

      I have thought that for too long. What is it? The Republicans own the military and the whole government?

  7. Anonymous2:53 PM

    America is so lucky not have that old fool McCain as presideht and his doofus 3rd place Miss Alaska Runner Up as his vice president.

    There is a God.

    1. If he had been elected, within a year he woulda been dead.

      For verification, see Curtis Menard, Jr, and Dar Miller.

    2. Anonymous5:09 AM

      You KNOW it, hrh! They are DESPICABLE.

  8. "Give it up John, there is NO way you will ever out do that one!"

    If anything, this is our collective goal: your legacy to be inextricably and permanently linked with the most embarrassing embarrassment since Spiral Agnoo. In your eyes, Cindy is a cunt, but you are road kill, responsible for the Palinization of rill Murkin politiks. Cheers!

    1. Anonymous3:17 PM

      responsible for the Palinization of rill Murkin politiks

      There is no god/God in any universe that could forgive that even if he could remember to ask the nation and world for forgiveness.

      He will spin this as some kind of hero myth. What else is new?

  9. Anonymous2:59 PM

    I know it is taboo but anyone who is messing around with that part of the world can't be clean when it comes to drug trafficking. Human trafficking is also a large part of the economy. Where there are politicians and weapons you know drugs and human trafficking is part of the game. Men like John McCain are stupid in their way but they know exactly how things work.

    1. Anonymous7:39 PM

      Amen, and double amen to that observation.

  10. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Gryphen - McCain didn't get caught in a random photo which the kidnapper photobombed; McCain was photographed in a meeting with these guys.

    1. Anonymous3:34 PM

      Well, yeah. Doesn't Sarah say there are no coincidences? McCain was meeting with these guys and was happy to be photographed. Obviously, no one required ID, and McCain didn't care that he was meeting with an 'enemy.' He is such a washed up old fool. Couldn't even be bothered to attend the Benghazi briefing, because if he had, he couldn't have done his grnadstanding at Issa's stupid hearings. I do think we should tie congessional pay to actual WORK for the people.

    2. Anonymous4:23 PM

      I hope the previous meetings and photographs come out as well. This is not new or different for old Johnny Mac. He wants to arm all enemies and even friends. How else can you have a reason to Bomb, Bomb, Bomb? His best of times was flying over Nam and bombing the _hit out of their beautiful agricultural landscape. Whatever gets you off, I guess. He is not giving up his old habits.

    3. Anonymous6:58 PM

      He was shot down because he did not turn back to base with the rest of the squadron. The alarm was screeching in the cockpit, and he kept on going. He is a reckless fool, always has been, always will be.

    4. Anonymous10:05 PM

      He was shot down because he did not turn back to base with the rest of the squadron.

      He was a thrill seeking junky. He screwed up many times. His family helped train him to cover up and go on defying authority, rules and law. He will not change and no one wants to interfere with his mythology which is nothing but lies and more lies. Too bad the people won't or can't stand up against this happening and no one confronts it in a meaningful way. He is a dangerous meddler and Nixonian, Reaganesque crap.

  11. Anonymous3:41 PM

    You are a disgusting blogger.

    1. Alacrity Fitzhughe4:42 PM

      And you are a disgusting reader of blogs.

    2. Anita Winecooler5:36 PM

      In what respect, assclown?

    3. Anonymous6:15 PM

      @3:41 You are a disgusting Troll, Palinbot. How is Pimp Daddy and his Restroom funcapades?

    4. Anonymous8:48 PM

      Speaking of drones, which we weren't....

  12. Anonymous3:54 PM

    John McCain is, and always has been a grandstanding idiot. He and Sarah Palin were perfectly suited to each other and, thank God, the rest of us never had to endure their never ending posturing.

    1. Anonymous5:44 PM

      Thank you, Beaglemom, for summing it up quite nicely for us. You, as always, are correct.

  13. Randall4:01 PM

    A) EVERY time John McCain proposes war or any increase of troops anywhere while on one of the Sunday talking head shows he should be asked: "HOW are you proposing we PAY for that, Senator?"

    B) Isn't he doddering awfully close to violating the Logan Act?

    1. Alacrity Fitzhughe4:51 PM

      Logan Act, Too True. But Johnny boy can do three years time standing on his head. Can't you Walnuts?

  14. Anonymous4:26 PM

    No fool like an old fool.

    1. Cracklin Charlie8:05 PM

      Ain't that the truth?

    2. Anonymous2:59 AM

      I think they call it "paling around with terrorists."

    3. Anonymous6:46 AM

      And NO one would know better than her and the scum they hang with. Projection is their middle name and many cover for them.

  15. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Tea baggers thought he would be a great president.

  16. Anita Winecooler5:20 PM

    John McCain is so Mavericky, going rogue, hanging out with terrorists, singing his favorite song "Bomb Bomb Bomb..Bomb Bomb Iran ...he he he he"

    "Yes, My Friends, I went there, but didn't think to ask Mohammed Noir what his day job was. I thought he was "the help", you betcha!".

    Once again, Meghan comes to the rescue via twitter

    Oh foreign soil, on MEMORIAL DAY, no less.

    Violation of the Logan Act?

    1. Anonymous9:54 PM

      Sick and pathetic. Sad that anyone would blow this off like it is a cute little old man adventure. McCain is in a position of leadership and he has no respect for our system. Meghan should be ashamed. Despicable losers. He should not get away with anything.

  17. Anonymous7:29 PM

    The guy continues to be an asshole. John Kerry and President Obama are working on this issue and McCain jumps in like he did when he was running against now President Obama. Remember, he cut his campaign short and made an absolute idiot out of himself at the meeting that they showed on TV. (Financial issues if I remember correcting and he knew zero about the issue!)

    Thank God the man was never elected president! He'd have had us in wars that we don't need to be a part of and we assuredly cannot afford AND the majority of Americans want none of it!

    He badly needs to retire! Can they get him for treason for doing what he just did?

  18. Anonymous9:03 PM

    How audacious for a republican senator to go against a sitting Democratic president and the Secretary of State to seek out his own 'personal' solution to conflict. Sensitive communication was already in place; I hope his interference has not jeopardized in-place talks.

  19. Beldar Forrestal Conehead9:15 PM

    That's m'boy!

    Good Ol' Gramps McCain: putting the 'happy' back in adultery and military intervention since way back when!

  20. I thought the picture wss of him meeting with his al-Queda contacts - you know, the Syrian (well-paid) "rebels." Just look at their smiling faces. They love working for US.

    "bugger" - perfect!

  21. Anonymous10:26 PM

    don't miss this

    here is Matt Taiibi's Make-Believe Maverick
    A closer look at the life and career of John McCain reveals a disturbing record of recklessness and dishonesty

  22. I saw Sen. John McCain on Anderson Cooper's show and couldn't believe his demeanor. He was trying to tell everyone we should help Syria. He looked so sad -- he talked so softly -- he was so meek -- I thought he was going to cry. Well, Johnny, it didn't work for me. No more wars!

    BTW, no one can tell me McCain didn't know all about Sarah. He was in the senate for 35 years with Ted Stevens from Alaska. You don't think they didn't talk about Palin? Johnny was furious over all the millions of dollars in pork money Teddy use to get for Mayor Sarah in Wasilla. Yep, he knew all about her and didn't care -- picked her anyway for the #2 slot.

    I'll never forgive him!

    1. Anonymous6:41 AM

      YES. He had to know about every little thing in that family. Why have his peeps move in on the Johnstons if he wasn't doing clean up for Palins?

  23. Anonymous10:44 PM

    The yahoo article; a short, highly publicised trip to meet rebel commanders in Syria three days ago.

    When was this highly publicised? I missed that part. If it is highly publicised everyone in power would have approved and know about his representing the USA in vital talks with the rebels. Rebels want weapons, so that is his job along with the other commodities that come into these talks. You have to read Al Jazeera everyday to keep up.

  24. Anonymous10:50 PM

    When did Mohammad Nour photobomb John McCain's wheeling and dealing photo event? I think I read about this before, the photo wasn't released yet and they were only talking about it. So there is an actual photo. There will be more to come if people know what they were talking about.

  25. Our Lad3:54 AM

    Graduated at the bottom of his class,wrecked three planes,got captured and picked Mrs. Plain for his running mate, a woman so dull and uninformed that she didn't realize that Africa was a continent and faked a pregnancy for political gain. Does that about cover it? Great Caesar's Ghost, and this addled old peckerwood has more!?!?

  26. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Any intelligent person wishing to intervene in Syria would give a complete run-down of all the factions there, what the factions' goals are, and how capable they are militarily and politically to achieve those goals. Then this same intelligent person has to outline why wealthy countries like Saudi Arabia are supposed to be subsidized by the US taxpayers instead of coughing up their plentiful wealth to maintain civil order in their region.

    An intelligent person would not blunder around Syria letting strangers cuddle in for a photo-op.

    All John McCain has achieved is to underline yet again how we dodged disaster in rejecting him as president of the USA.


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